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Words Matter: An Exploration of Meaning, Magic, and the Nature of Reality

Words matter. They really do. Prior to my awakening, if I had been asked for my thoughts regarding the nature of words, I would have said that they are flexible, fluid things. My training as a lawyer had shown me that words could be twisted and contoured — using context and additional words — to clarify and crystalize meaning, to generate ambiguity, or to change the meaning entirely from the commonly understood definition.

The English language is particularly flexible in this regard. The language is a melting pot of other languages and therefore often has multiple words that ostensibly mean the same thing. However, the choice of word can often convey considerable meaning. A great example of this is the words talk and speak. They ostensibly mean the same thing, but actually convey considerable nuance depending on which is chosen. Who would you rather engage with, someone who talks to you, or someone who speaks with you? Speak feels more informal and inclusive (which is why it tends to pair with the word “with”), whereas talk feels more formal and, when often paired with “to,” is very one-directional. The choice of word matters and conveys a very different story to the reader or listener.

At a certain point in my awakening, something clicked inside of my mind, and I started to perceive the psychic mandalas of people, objects, and concepts. A psychic mandala is a construct in the Astral realm, which is essentially the realm of the mind and collective consciousness. When we visualize something in our minds, we are interacting with the Astral. Contrary to the common belief that our thoughts are isolated within our minds, we are actually mentally interconnected with everyone else through the Astral realm. This interconnectedness means that every thought, word, and concept exists within a shared psychic space that we can all access.

Imagine a psychic mandala as a complex, transdimensional web. At the center of this web is the core essence of a word or concept, surrounded by layers and connections representing all the ways it has been thought about, spoken, and understood throughout history. This central core is the eigenvector of the mandala — the unchanging essence that remains constant despite the myriad ways the word or concept is used and interpreted over time.

Every time we think of or use a word, we are tapping into its corresponding psychic mandala. Our minds tune into the frequency of that mandala, accessing both its core essence and the surrounding layers of meaning and association. This tuning process is what allows us to communicate and understand each other, as we are all drawing from the same collective pool of meaning.

At roughly the same time period as I began to better understand words, I also came to better understand the nature of reality, as a reflection of our internal reality. At some point, something clicked between the two concepts, and I began to perceive how our mental understandings of words shape our reality. If we commonly misuse a word when we speak or think, it is because we have a psychic blindness that is preventing us from connecting fully to the mandala of that word or is causing us to tune to an incorrect mandala. A psychic blindness occurs when we fail to fully connect with the core essence of a word's mandala. This can happen for various reasons, such as cultural conditioning, personal biases, or lack of awareness.

When we misuse words, we are often tuning into an incorrect mandala, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Many of the concepts and modes of expression that society teaches us cause us to use words in our minds and our speech in ways that are deeply unhealthy, lead us to unintentionally cast black magic on others, and prevent us from easily experiencing joy, peace and kindness.

Words have power because they are more than mere labels; they are conduits of meaning and intention that shape our reality. When we choose our words thoughtfully, we align ourselves with the true essence of their mandalas, performing what can be considered wholesome magic. This conscious alignment enhances clarity, fosters positive interactions, and creates a reality that is more aligned with our highest intentions.

So how can we use words more thoughtfully? We can reflect on how we use words in different contexts. Are there words we misuse or take for granted? How can we align more closely with their true meaning? We can make a conscious effort to choose words that reflect our true intentions and the reality we wish to create. We can notice the impact this has on our interactions and overall well-being.

Understanding and connecting with the psychic mandalas of words allows us to communicate more authentically and shape our reality with greater intention. By tuning into the timeless essence of words, we can overcome psychic blindness and use language as a tool for positive transformation. Words matter, and by honoring their true essence, we align ourselves with the deeper currents of meaning that flow through the fabric of reality. The word is the thing is the reality.

Below are a series of articles that explore the concept of how and why different words matter. Once we pull apart these commonly-held conflations, confusions and misunderstandings, we discover a reality that is more real, less distorted, and much gentler and kinder. As I write new articles in this series, I will add them to the list in this article. I hope you enjoy these explorations of the nature of words.

Words Matter: Playfulness, Silliness, and the Nature of Addiction

Words Matter: Desire, Wish, Want, Need, Require, and the Nature of Scarcity

Words Matter: Nice, Kind, and Learning to Move Unconditionally

Words Matter: The Nature of Should and Should Not

Words Matter: Respond, React, and the Nature of Negative Movement

Words Matters: Ignore and the Madness of Shunning

Words Matters: Obstacles, Opportunities, and the Nature of Perception