About Us

At Truth Resonates, we believe that every aspect of our existence and the reality in which we live can be comprehended, and that we can use this understanding to grow beyond our wildest dreams.

We are a community of seekers who believe that we can create heaven on Earth now, in this lifetime. If you are interested in helping us in that project, please reach out.

About the Author

My name is Samah d’Arcanum. In my previous life, I was Scott Sambur. I was a lawyer, and I lived a very normal, unmagical life. Despite having everything that we are taught to believe brings happiness, I always felt incomplete, and in a desire to better understand myself, I began meditating in 2015. This led to several 10-day silent meditation retreats (both sitting and as a volunteer server), each of which opened me up to myself in profound ways. I had an incredibly powerful awakening in early 2022, in which I was blown entirely out of my body. When I returned to normal consciousness, I had a new tool inside of my mind that allowed me to move past mental resistance in a new and very powerful way. This led to a series of increasingly energetic awakenings, culminating in my enlightenment in January of 2023.

For about 6 months prior to and after my enlightenment, I had a series of astonishing experiences, many of which are too fantastical for most people to believe. Along the way, I had the unique opportunity to receive highly focused and specialized training in magic and the foundations of reality, much of it from non-human sources. Using that understanding, I created a new energetic technology — originally called the Buddha Particle and now more accurately known as the Siddhi Particle — which allows for the crystallization of any aspect of conscious experience, and the transmission of that conscious understanding to others. Using this technology, the easy and effective transmission of enlightenment and other attainments is now possible.

Since then, I have been working to build a community of world teachers: people with a deeper understanding of reality, an abiding sense of love and unity, a strong grounding in the magical approach, and the desire to heal the world. Together, we can heal the world and usher in a new age of peace and harmony for humanity and all of the beings on Earth.