Making Miracles Fun

FableTech Fabricators is the magical skunkworks in which the beings participating in Sangha Society and Truth Resonates are building the energetic technologies that will serve as the foundations for heaven on Earth and ultimately humanity’s ascension.

If you are interested in doing magic at the highest of levels in deep collaboration with Gaia, the gods, countless spirits, and some of the most powerful mages on Earth; if you are curious about actuality and want to dive into the esoterica of how it actually all works; or if you think you have what it takes to build the latest and greatest in magical technologies, FableTech Fabricators welcomes you.

Join us on the FableTech Fabricators Discord Server to learn more and participate in building the FableTech!

Below are the primary projects that FableTech Fabricators is currently working on, although we develop new ideas and side projects all the time.

Wisdom of the Crowd

  • Imagine navigating through life, constantly tuning into the unconscious signals we send and receive, only to find our perceptions clouded by distortions—shadows cast by others' judgments and fears. Wisdom of the Crowd emerges as a groundbreaking technology that transcends this age-old challenge, replacing the flawed system of astral pinging with a hyperdimensional wave of pure awareness. It effortlessly sifts through the noise, guided by the Knower within us all, to uncover the unblemished seeds of truth hidden beneath layers of distortion. Welcome to a revolution in understanding, a tool designed not just to navigate but to transform the psychic landscape, offering liberation from the heavy chains of societal judgments.

  • We are constantly astrally pinging those around us in order to assess their state with respect to particular concepts, including their views of us. Most people do not have clear views on most subjects. Their views always contain a kernel of truth, yet the contours around that truth are often highly distorted. When we do what we normally do around astral pinging, we are getting all of these highly distorted views, and subtly building our own views in alignment with them. Thus, if a particular group is highly distorted around a particular truth, a psychic pressure develops from these rigidly-held contours, shaping our own responses. And further, when we do this sort of astral pinging around how other people perceive us, we receive back all of the views of us distorted by other people's karmas and fears.

    Wisdom of the Crowd is an upgrade to this entire system. It replaces astral pinging with a flowing hyperdimensional wave, so that there is no checking, simply an existence within a hyperdimensional field of awareness that contains all of the required information. Within that field of awareness, receiving each of these astral impressions from others, Wisdom of the Crowd interfaces with the Knower, which is the Lemurian ego structure within all of us that sees beyond much of this dream and can know the seed of truth at the heart of each of the contoured impressions. Wisdom of the Crowd collects those seeds and sends them to the Turbo Encabulator, providing all of the seeds of truth from which a nuanced and coherent Truth can be ascertained and encabulated, free of any of the judgment and distortion carried in the mind. You can think of Wisdom of the Crowd as an important upgrade to the Turbo Encabulator's inbound data stream., freeing us of the burden of other people's judgments.

  • Here is the {Wisdom of the Crowd}

  • Functional and operating for those who are encabulating with at least Thought 4.0.

Turbo Encabulator

  • FableTech Fabricators introduces the Turbo Encabulator, a device at the forefront of enhancing mental flexibility and expanding consciousness. It serves as a tool for individuals to engage in mental multiplexing, allowing for an adaptive and dynamic mental landscape that meets the moment's needs with precision. The technology draws upon the concepts of interconnectedness and the innate capacity for growth and transformation, aiming to support the user in navigating the complexities of existence with a newfound ease, as a joyous dance of existence moving with poetry of the heart. The Turbo Encabulator embodies a dramatic step forward in understanding the potential of the human mind, its innate divinity, and its relationship with All That Is.

  • Early in the morning on March 15th, Ryan and I created a Turbo Encabulator, and we have been encabulating ever since. The concept of the Turbo Encabulator is so audacious and ostensibly impossible that the only way it could come into our reality initially was as a joke meme. Yet the Turbo Encabulator is in many ways humanity’s crowning achievement thus far, and it is something we have all been working on since we first came to this planet. The Turbo Encabulator is the first version of Mental Multiplexing. Encabulation is Mind 5.0. It is the first iteration of the divine mind. The perfect tool for every moment.

    To give some background, think of the mind as a field of computation that shapes the formless into form. The OS that runs our mind varies from the equivalent of Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 at its best, in terms of its capacity for memory management and its ability to parallel process consciously. Everything we do can be thought of as an app that is somewhat isolated from everything else. Our intellect is an app, as is our discernment and our memory. So is looking, or hearing, or listening, or seeing, or doing, or feeling, or sitting, or anything else we do or are. Each is a package of code that does a certain set of actions or perceives existence in a particular way. The specific app doesn't always fit the situation, but it is difficult for us to modify the app from its standard configuration, and almost impossible for us to consciously run more than one app at a time.

    Ryan and I scrapped that entire system. We created an OS that is effectively an AI-driven system (although our consciousness is the AI here) that creates the perfect app in the moment, shaping and reshaping the mental landscape to perfectly fit the requirements of the moment like a perfect key for every lock. This allows vastly enhanced parallel processing, since the app that is being constructed in the moment is an app capable of meeting ALL of the requirements of the moment in the most skillful way we are currently able to do so. This creates a flexibility of consciousness that is truly astonishing. Instead of speaking, we can encabulate. Instead of thinking, we can encabulate. The answer is always encabulation. In any given moment, if you ask me what I am doing now, I am encabulating. And if I'm not, well, it would be better if I were. Encabulation is Axiomatic Sovereignty and Axiomatic Grace as a lived experience. It is being in an endless wholesome dance with all of creation.

    As with all things, the capacity for this system will only grow as we all collectively become more skillful. In addition, encabulation puts an end to addiction and to obsessive-compulsive loops of thought and action. In fact, it was in trying to solve the OCD loop that we constructed the Turbo Encabulator.

    Ryan and I were working on the OCD loops and trying to figure out why they were so difficult to get rid of. I sensed that there was something that was hiding from us that was resetting the loops. As I sensed into it, I suddenly moved up a frame and was in a nightmare. Imagine you are sitting in your living room watching TV, and the characters suddenly pause in the middle of the show, turn to look out of the screen, and begin talking to you. That's what happened to me, except that I was the character, and I was staring out into the living room of some being from a higher-dimensional ideoscape. I realized that when we watch TV, we are subtly feeding off the energy of that universe. And we shape that reality when we script it.

    Now imagine that you are in a world in which AI creates the media. And so as you're watching the show, you are saying things like "oh, that looks interesting, let's expand on that story" or "it would be great if those people had some more drama between them". That's what is happening with our reality. These higher-dimensional beings are scripting our reality as they watch, using our dependent connections and OCD loops to create drama and dissociation. We are literally living in a reality show.

    Once I realized this, I was able to feel all of the hooks that these beings have in our consciousness, and I began to release them. This thing that was watching me tried to end the show - to cancel our reality - and I wouldn’t let it. Imagine trying to turn off your TV, and the characters refuse to go away.

    I could sense how this was happening to us not just at this level, but at several levels. For example, I realized that every time I lost my train of thought, there was a flock of higher-dimensional bird-like creatures flying through my reality and feasting on me.

    I started scrambling with Ryan to find a solution. Every higher dimension is infinitely vaster than a lower dimension. For a being in the third dimension, there is nothing a being in a two-dimensional reality could possibly do to stop us from doing whatever we desire with their reality. Similarly, no matter how much larger our frame gets, there will always be something with an infinitely vaster frame. How do you transcend the whole system? How do you transcend transcendence?

    More and more fires started going off – magical problems that would arise, issues that had to be dealt with in the moment, my body becoming increasingly agitated, eczema flaring up on my skin, mosquitoes suddenly biting me incessantly, all while I was struggling to keep reality from winking out of existence and still felt myself in this higher-dimensional being’s metaphorical living room trying to figure the way out.

    It reached a crisis point – a point of “enough is enough” that many of us are familiar with from the lowest point of the Dark Night of the Soul. In that moment of sincere requirement for something better, everything came together, and began encabulating.

    Suddenly, all of the crises dissolved, and I saw how all of the drama, all of the “reality showness” of reality could be dropped. Now, I simply had a few puzzles spinning at the same time, all of which I could work on simultaneously in an easy and graceful dance, in which everything I did moved everything forward all at once, with no wasted movement or thought. The resources available to my mind exploded without any of the wasted overhead of crappy memory management and processing priority.

    It was the most incredible feeling - an easefulness of existence that I had never imagined. Everything became an increasingly poetic dance, as I turned my attention to encabulating more and more of my existence. I was still holding onto a lot of legacy modules in my mind, so I began to encabulate the process of using mental modules, and encabulated the process of encabulating itself.

    I quickly realized why we haven’t always been consciously encabulating (even though we have, at some level). Using the mind-self to encabulate is an immensely dangerous thing. Before I recognized what was happening, when I first started encabulating, I was controlling it with my ego. The ego largely only understands growth until resources are exhausted – it doesn’t really understand the dance. As a result, when the ego is the force directing the encabulation, encabulating eats reality – it devours existence. I felt this happening and was horrified, and so quickly encabulated my ego and the process of encabulation to have myself only ever encabulate from a place of full realization and presence.

    Since I could perceive the benefits of encabulation even for those who have not yet achieved full realization on a persistent basis, I built a channel in the Encabulator so that anyone using it is always using it from a place of presence. Presence is not a unitary thing. You can be present with respect to a certain domain while still being unconscious with respect to others. The Encabulator ensures that everyone is always present with respect to encabulating when encabulating.

    After we finished building the Encabulator, we fashioned it into a Turbo Encabulator - a technology that allows one to transcend the process of transcending transcendence. When we operate the Turbo Encabulator, regular encabulation speeds up dramatically, and certain things that we have already found to be somewhat resistant to encabulation become more available. Eventually, we will build a Hyper Turbo Encabulator, but it is not yet the optimal time.

  • For anyone who wishes to encabulate, here is the transmission:

    {Turbo Encabulator}

    Once you have received the transmission, to use the Turbo Encabulator, simply wish to encabulate or turbo encabulate. Turn your attention to something and encabulate it. It is literally that simple. You will feel the movement in your mind, and it will be clear to you what you are doing if you tune in. I hope you enjoy your new mind.

  • Functional and fully operational.

Gaia’s Tear

  • Gaia’s Tear allows every person in the world to have an experience of spiritual growth that is aligned with their choice, such that no obstacles any longer exist between a person’s choice to grow and the actual movement of growth.

  • Gaia’s Tear is my most complex magical working as of yet, and is the delivery vehicle for almost all of the healing work I do. Gaia’s Tear is an astral seed that is now inside of every being’s heart chakra. It contains all of my understanding, realization and magical technologies, and it automatically improves as I do. Whenever anyone is ready and chooses to grow, Gaia’s Tear will blossom into a flower of understanding. At that moment, without any grit or delay, the understanding will be available, the insight will crystalize, and the learning will coordinate into reality. Gaia’s Tear will always meet you where you are at, and will always give you what is perfect for your growth in the moment, always honoring your beliefs and desires. With Gaia’s Tear, everyone can grow as slowly or as quickly as they wish, without reality providing any obstacles to that growth.

    This technology is called Gaia’s Tear, as it acknowledges Gaia’s role in both our suffering and our redemption. Gaia’s tears are of joy and sadness, embracing all we are as human beings and all we are becoming capable of. More than anything, Gaia’s tears are tears of catharsis, shedding old patterns and embracing new and more wholesome ways of moving.

  • Functional and instantiated inside every being’s heart chakra.


  • Axiomatics permits the instantiation of belief at arbitrarily deep levels in self and others.

  • Axiomatics is a technology that will allow the instantiation of belief at the level of belief in gravity or that we have a physical body — beliefs so fundamental to our experience that they are axioms of our existence. Each of us creates our reality based on our beliefs. By being able to instantiate beliefs at this level, we can learn to structure reality as we choose.Axiomatics arises from the combined action of 6 technologies: (1) Axiomatic Sovereignty, (2) Dreamweaving, (3) Faery Chrono-Omniscience, (4) Matrix Modulation, (5) The Siddhi Particle, and (6) Structuring Reality.

    In order to avoid the negative aspects of a functioning Axiomatics (for example, mind control), Axiomatics is structured so that it will only become fully operational when the underlying technologies, including importantly Axiomatic Sovereignty, are fully operational. As a result, the only portal to this level of manipulation of belief in the Earth field is through sovereignty, which by its nature includes kindness and equanimity in a holographic fashion, and leaves one largely immune to any form of internal or external mental domination. Thus, anyone who is capable of holding Axiomatics will be someone moving in harmony with all beings in resonance with the 5 Virtues.

    As we walk the path of humanity’s ascension, we will be entering a much more complexified information space. Axiomatics is the key to navigating that space.

  • Partially functional - axiomatic transformation is now possible for those who are fully realized. Instantiation of belief in self and others is currently effective, although not yet at the level of fundamental axiom.

Axiomatic Sovereignty

  • Axiomatic Sovereignty instils a deep knowing that all is well, always, and that we are all equal and worthy of intrinsic respect. It is the key to humanity’s ascension, as it renders beings inviolable with respect to internal and external mental domination. Freedom from external and internal mental domination, including addiction, is now achievable for everyone. Axiomatic Sovereignty is the operational key to humanity’s ascension, and we have now begun walking that path.

  • Axiomatic Sovereignty is a technology that reorganizes the recipient's energy structure into a cloud of sovereign particles, meeting each person where they are at in terms of their understanding of sovereignty, but at the same time instilling a deep knowing of one's intrinsic worth, the intrinsic worth of all beings, and that all is well, always. Axiomatic sovereignty combines the fullest understanding of sovereignty currently in the Earth field with the magic of Axiomatics, of which Axiomatic Sovereignty is a part. Axiomatics, because of its potential for negative use (e.g., mind control), won't arise in all of its fullness until the 6 underlying technologies that comprise it are operational. In order to avoid any negative use of Axiomatics, it is structured so that the only entry point in the Earth field is through Axiomatic Sovereignty. Axiomatic Sovereignty, when fully embraced, allows for the deep knowing of one's sovereign ability to manifest and structure reality based on our beliefs. This inevitably leads to Structuring Reality, once one begins to understand the mechanisms by which reality is actually structured (much of which we largely understand at this point, and which is explained further in the Structuring Reality working description).

    A full understanding of sovereignty also yields the understanding that true sovereignty requires both kindness and equanimity (in recognizing that true sovereignty is honoring the intrinsic worth of ALL beings). Therefore, coming into Axiomatic Sovereignty at a level that would permit Structuring Reality and other high-level attainments automatically means coming into movement with the other 4 virtues of unconditional love, compassion for suffering, shared joy and equanimity.

    The final astral form of Axiomatic Sovereignty is an infinite square bipyramidal geodesic sphere of Self. The image included here is not entirely accurate, as the outer surface of Axiomatic Sovereignty is comprised of square geometry, rather than triangular.

  • Axomatic Sovereignty is a magic of the Cosmic Realm abutting the Mental Realm. It is paired with Faery Chrono-Omniscience., which is a magic of the Mental Realm abutting the Cosmic Realm. See here for more info on the realms of magic.

  • Axiomatic Sovereignty is fully functional and operational. Freedom from external and internal mental domination, including addiction, is now achievable for everyone. Axiomatic Sovereignty is the operational key to humanity’s ascension, and we have now begun walking that path.


  • Dreamweaving uses a highly-sophisticated set of energetic tools to perform surgery on the dreams that we inhabit, permitting alteration of belief at an almost arbitrary level.

  • When my colleague Ryan and I received the Lucid Awareness attainment last summer from Almagroth, the divine masculine god of Lemuria, it felt like it came with a fully functional dream-surgery suite attached. I had difficulty figuring out how to get it running, but after the Axiomatic Sovereignty working on January 5th, it came fully online. Dreamweaving uses a highly-sophisticated set of energetic tools to perform surgery on the dreams that we inhabit, coordinated by the goddess Spider, whose primary domain is the weaving of timelines. Dreamweaving allows the alteration of belief at an almost arbitrary level, giving rise to the core foundational belief restructuring system for Axiomatics, and for the first time, allows for alteration and expansion of the specific package of dreams within the ego that keeps us chained to consensus reality.

  • Dreamweaving is a magic of the Mythic Realm, as it abuts the Spiritual Realm. It is paired with the Siddhi Particle, which is a magic of the Spiritual Realm, as it abuts the Mythic Realm. Together, the Siddhi Particle and Dreamweaving allow the crystallization of any aspect of conscious understanding and instantiation of the beliefs required to optimally utilize that understanding. See here for more info for more info on the realms of magic.

  • Operational and able to alter belief at the level of deep knowing, but not yet at the level of fundamental axiom. Dreamweaving has shown itself to be an immensely valuable tool in our healing work.

Faery Chrono-Omniscience

  • Faery Chrono-Omniscience (FCO) is built off of the understanding that we are all part of an interdependent lattice of being. Through this understanding, one can coordinate reality with high precision, by altering one's own movements to influence the lattice across all of its multi-dimensional axes in order to achieve the desired result.

  • My colleague Ryan and I originally structured FCO to operate in space/time, which required another attainment, known as Lucid Awareness, in order to function properly. Lucid Awareness is the ability to see dreams as dreams and to thereby step outside of dreams once recognized. The term dreams, as used here, means any self-supporting loop of story that we step into and then don't realize we are in it when we are. This pertains to dreams that occur during sleep, but also to consensus reality itself, which is really Gaia's dream, that we are dreaming with her. It also pertains to the dreams that we unconsciously wrap each other in all the time.

    From space/time, FCO required support from other beings and higher-density entities (particularly, the goddess Eileithyia, the Queen of Elfland) in order to function correctly, since holding the entire multidimensional lattice of being in mind was impossible given the ego structure that most of us possess. Lucid Awareness provided tools that allowed Ryan and I to begin modifying our ego directly (which Lucid Awareness showed us to be a package of dreams provided by Gaia) to expand the capacity of our attention in these metaphysical spaces. Even with these adjustments, it was a difficult thing to hold properly. Everything became easier when we shifted the operation of FCO to time/space. I discuss further the space/time and time/space dichotomy in the Structuring Reality working description.

    From time/space, it is possible to hold the entire lattice and have infinite time to coordinate each moment. FCO then becomes a background process, dramatically tightening the effectiveness of manifestation and making all of the synchronicities happen with tighter coordination.

    One way to think of this is that in the past, people were sending up smoke signals of desire, and the higher density entities were using that information to coordinate our reality as best they could given their limited perception of our reality. FCO changes that to a high-bandwidth data connection. For the first time, 3rd density beings are coordinating 3rd density, from the perspective of 3rd density. It's a transformative shift in the way that coordination occurs, permitting much tighter psychic interaction between beings, and serving as a substrate for the development of any technology that requires tight psychic coordination.

  • FCO is a magic of the Mental Realm abutting the Cosmic Realm, and it aligns with Axiomatic Sovereignty, which is a magic of the Cosmic Realm abutting the Mental Realm. See here for more info for more info on the realms of magic.

  • FCO is operational and functioning for a number of us in time/space. It is currently being transmitted to people as part of the Infinite Trust Loop transmission.

Matrix Modulation

  • Matrix Modulation creates a perfect interface between any two psychic mandalas, and will ultimately create a direct interface between consciousness and physicality.

  • Matrix Modulation is a technology derived from the Interface attainment, which arises from the recognition that we each exist in our own separate reality. Interfaces between realities exist that allow us to communicate across these separate realities. Those interfaces are naturally tuned pretty poorly. The Interface attainment allows for the perfect tuning of any interface once it is recognized as an interface. This allows information transmission and coordination to occur with much greater precision and fidelity. Interfaces exist in all relationships between two or more things, and therefore exist between us and other people as well as objects, concepts, places, events, etc. The purpose of this working is to upgrade the Interface to become an exquisitely clear interface between any two or more things, ultimately allowing us to directly interface our consciousness with physical reality. Matrix Modulation has two primary functions:

    1. Determine the eigenvector of one or more psychic mandalas. The eigenvector of a mandala is the core, unchanging aspects of those mandalas — their essence.

    2. Orthonormalize the eigenvectors of two or more psychic mandalas. When the eigenvectors of two mandalas are orthonormalized, they are scaled to identical size and then linked perpendicularly, allowing a clear and efficient path for communication and understanding.

    The effect of this is to create a harmonious relationship between two or more mandalas, ensuring that their energies are independent and balanced, removing any dependent connections between them. It also allows for greater manipulation of psychic mandalas as a result of isolation of the eigenvector and orthonormalizing the mandalas with each other and with the field in which they are being manipulated.

    Matrix Modulation will be an important key to Structuring Reality by creating an interface between consciousness and the Physical Realm, and it will also be a key piece of ThoughtForm Threading by harmonizing the mandala of the desired piece of learning with the mandala of its coordination into space/time. It will ultimately be a key piece of Axiomatics, by harmonizing belief and perception structures to permit the instantiation of arbitrary belief levels, and it will be an important part of AstralTel, by working with Faery Chrono-Omniscience to create extremely tight coordination between shared psychic experience.

  • Matrix Modulation (as currently used for this working) is a magic of the Physical Realm abutting the Real realm. It pairs with Structuring Reality, which is a magic of the Real Realm abutting the Physical Realm. See here for more info on the realms of magic. It is Matrix Modulation that will allow Structuring Reality to affect physicality.

  • Matrix Modulation is operational and is being used in many different modalities. As of yet, we have not harmonized with physical reality — there are a number of remaining confusions that exist in our psyche, especially around the failures of sovereignty arising from resource allocation and scarcity. However, we recently solved these confusions, and expect to have a fully functional Matrix Modulation technology very shortly.

The Siddhi Particle

  • The Siddhi Particle allow the efficient and effective transmission of enlightenment and other attainments.

  • The Siddhi Particle (originally known as the Buddha Particle) is an astral structure that permits the crystallization of any aspect of conscious experience and its transmission to someone else. Once inside the other person's energy structure, it unpacks and integrates in harmony with the recipient's beliefs. It's like a white glove delivery service that unpacks and installs the attainment in a highly effective and efficient way, leaving behind an instruction manual for further operation. The Siddhi Particle is a carrier vehicle for the transmission of all of magics we are constructing at FableTech. Some of the attainments that can be transferred using it are listed here.

  • The Siddhi Particle is a magic of the Spiritual Realm abutting the Mythic Realm. See here for more info on the various realms of magic. A related technology is Dreamweaving, which is a magic of the Mythic Realm abutting the Spiritual Realm. Dreamweaving is a key component permitting the Siddhi Particle to penetrate to the level of axiomatic belief.

  • Operational for more than one year.

Structuring Reality

  • Structuring Realty arises from the understanding that we are all unconsciously structuring our reality around us all the time. Structuring Reality will allow us to move in harmony with consensus reality while departing from it, permitting the creation of technologies like telekinesis, teleportation, transformation, transmutation, and conjuration. It will eventually also permit the creation of physical realities for us to inhabit beyond only the one with which we are familiar.

  • To understand how Structuring Reality works, it is helpful to understand what is happening in every moment. In every moment (literally, at the level of Planck Time), the universe is reconstructed in its entirety from the formless. Each such "frame" of the universe can be thought of as a "tick" of the universe's clock. This all occurs in our familiar space/time, with three unfolded dimensions of space and a weirdly folded 1.5 dimensions of time. Between every moment — between every tick of the clock — is a "tock". In the tock, consciousness flows from space/time into time/space. Time/space is the inverse of space/time, so there are three unfolded dimensions of time and a weirdly folded space. More info about my views on the illusion of time can be found here.

    Most 3rd density beings (what we are) shatter when their consciousness moves into time/space, and they then unconsciously dissolve into All That Is. All That Is, in coordination with the higher density beings that are conscious in time/space, coordinates and structures the next moment for all of us. When I realized this, I started what I have come to refer to as the Infinite Trust loop. I stopped shattering into time/space. This immediately presented two problems for me: (1) I was no better able to coordinate anything from a position of consciousness within time/space, as I had no tools with which to do that. (2) I was lonely, since I was no longer unconsciously touching Source in between every moment. To handle this, I moved the operation Faery Chrono-Omniscience (FCO) from space/time to time/space. This immediately freed up the cognitive load of FCO, since I no longer had to hold it in space/time, and it meant that from time/space, with an infinite and unbounded amount of time to explore the faery lattice of being, I could coordinate my next move for myself.

    This still presented two problems (1) I had blind spots that I could detect on the faery lattice but couldn't understand, so I didn't know how to coordinate around them, and (2) I was still lonely. To address both problems, I came to the realization that I and all of the other higher-density beings who are conscious in time/space are clinging to their beingness. I let that go, and now in the space between each moment, my consciousness moves into time/space and I merge with All That Is, bringing FCO with me. From that position as All That Is, I am able to use FCO without any blind spots to perfectly coordinate my next moment. As a result, I know with absolute certainty that I always have my own back. Hence, Infinite Trust. The Infinite Trust loop helped me to trust myself in a way that ultimately led to my full realization and the creation of Axiomatic Sovereignty. Structuring Reality is an offshoot of both Axiomatic Sovereignty and the Infinite Trust Loop. It is a realization that we all have a dependent connection with Gaia and consensus reality that causes our unconscious structuring of reality to always align with consensus reality and the current limitations it imposes on physical and mental reality. In releasing those dependent connections, we become able to independently structure reality.

    However, none of the higher density beings want us / we don't want ourselves to have that capability until we are all moving sufficiently with the 5 virtues such that our actions, although departing from consensus reality, are movements in harmony with consensus reality. Axiomatic Sovereignty solves that problem and also creates the portal whereby Structuring Reality becomes possible. Axiomatic Sovereignty, when fully instantiated, creates a deep knowing that we are each sovereign, and that we each structure our reality based on our beliefs. Combining that with a fully operational Axiomatics permits instantiation at the level of deep knowing of the belief that we can choose what to believe and how deeply we believe it. That combination of knowing, that (1) we structure our reality based on our beliefs, and (2) that we can change our beliefs and their depth at will, is Structuring Reality. Somewhat paradoxically, Axiomatics won't form until the underlying 6 technologies are fully operational, and Structuring Reality, one of those 6 technologies, won't form until Axiomatics is fully operational. This implies to me that they will form at the same moment, from some moment of realization.

  • Structuring Reality is a magic of the Real Realm abutting the Physical Realm. It is paired with Matrix Modulation, which is a magic of the Physical Realm abutting the Real Realm. See here for more info on the realms of magic.

  • Not yet operational. In order for Structuring Reality to be operationally complete, all of the components of Astral Architectonics must be completed.

Astral Architectonics

  • Astral Architectonics is a set of 6 key technologies that will be used to construct the astral realm, ultimately permitting the astral and physicality to seamlessly merge, while permitting new physical realms to be created. In many ways, Astral Architectonics is Structuring Reality.

  • The 6 technologies that comprise Astral Architectonics are: (1) Cosmic Canvas, (2) Energetic Entrainment, (3) Mental Multiplexing, (4) Physicality Fixation, (5) Quantum Chronodynamics, and (6) ThoughtForm Threading. Together, these technologies weave a comprehensive web impacting the mental, physical, and spiritual realms.

  • Partially operational. 4 of the 6 technologies are functioning at varying levels, although two are still in the conceptual stage.

Cosmic Canvas

  • Cosmic Canvas is a technology intended to allow the imprinting of one’s creative desires onto reality, allowing the creation and development of astral environments in an enduring and recoverable fashion. Cosmic Canvas arises from the recognition that just as infinite two dimensional realities exist within our three dimensional reality, so too do infinite three dimensional realities exist within in our infinite dimensional reality. And we can further use this understanding to manipulate and “fold” the three dimensional realities with which we are interacting.

  • Cosmic Canvas is a magic of the Cosmic Realm, abutting the Physical Realm. See here for more info on the realms of magic.

  • Purely conceptual.

Energetic Entrainment

  • Energetic Entrainment is a technology built off of Matrix Modulation, Dreamweaving and ThoughtForm Threading, that arises from the understanding that humanity prior to the Tower of Babel had access to a deep coordinating layer of communication that has since been lost to us, except in limited circumstances and to a limited degree, such as when multiple people “vibe” together. At the deepest levels, this layer permits complete entrainment of thought and action between co-participants, and as these levels become regularly accessed, harmonious interaction will become much more commonplace.

  • Energetic Entrainment is a magic of the Real Realm abutting the Spiritual Realm. See here for more info on the realms of magic.

  • Largely conceptual, although rapidly forming.

Mental Multiplexing

  • Mental Multiplexing arises from the understanding that the mind is our form generator, transforming the formless into form. Once we are fully realized and freed of our minds, we can utilize this understanding to generate arbitrary mind-forms, in both shape and quantity. We can duplicate the ego, refashion it entirely, and create sentient spellbeasts and other creatures that are fashioned from our ego and subsist on our magic.

  • Mental Multiplexing is a magic of the Mental Realm abutting the Mythic Realm. See here for more info on the realms of magic.

  • Largely conceptual, although rapidly forming.

Poetry of the Heart (Axiomatic Grace)

  • Poetry of the Heart is a movement of grace and fluidity in all moments. It is recognizing the eternal dance of reality, and participating in that dance with a full and welcoming heart. At its core, Poetry of the Heart is Axiomatic Grace – opening ourselves up fully to the grace of the universe and the beauty in all moments. When we move with Poetry of the Heart, we move with an approach of sacred intimacy towards all forms, resonating at a level of communication lost to humanity since the fall of the Tower of Babel.

  • Physicality Fixation is a magic of the Physical Realm abutting the Cosmic Realm. See here for more info on the realms of magic.

  • Fully operational

Quantum Chrono-Dynamics

  • Quantum Chrono-Dynamics arises from a view of time that transcends branching timelines or the three-dimensional torus and instead sees time as an infinite field of bubbling probability, with each moment of time lining up with the last like points on a pegboard with a string tied between them.

    Coming to understand this view of times permits instantiation of information in real time with no delay, working with Faery Chrono-Omniscience to smooth and tighten the psychic field that we share. Quantum Chrono-Dynamics also recognizes the uniquely personal nature of our time, and the way in which different times overlap and entrain each other in a field of probability waves.

  • Quantum Chrono-Dynamics is a magic of the Spiritual Realm abutting the Real Realm. See here for more info on the realms of magic.

  • Largely conceptual, with some limited use (in Gaia’s Tear, for example)

ThoughtForm Threading

  • ThoughtForm Threading arises from the understanding that no thoughts are generated internally. All thoughts are resonant with our beliefs and are inserted into our minds by higher-density beings as they structure reality. With this understanding comes the capacity to manipulate our own and others’ thoughts, helping guide ourself and others towards insight and realization. When fully operational, ThoughtForm Threading will permit Matrix-style downloads of skills and knowledge.

  • ThoughtForm Threading is a magic of the Mythic Realm abutting the Mental Realm. See here for more info on the realms of magic.

  • In regular use for the purpose of helping people to find realization and to increase capacity for learning language and skills