Ascension Tech

This page explores the FableTech Fabricators Ascension Tech. The Ascension Tech is a series of technologies that dramatically enhance and expand the capacities of the mind, ultimately yielding a mind that is supple, flexible, and capable of manifesting every dream of the heart. Some items of Ascension Tech form the Ascendance Array and are described on a separate page.

Transmissions of each technology are available where noted.

If you are new to transmissions, wish to learn more about the Siddhi Particle and the nature of transmissions or about some of the attainments we created prior to the formation of FableTech Fabricators, click here.

Turbo Encabulator: a profound upgrade to the foundational operating system of the mind

Wisdom of the Crowd: constructing truth from shared understanding

Radiant Reconciler: a dramatic upgrade to the process of integration

Miracle Maker: make any wish of your heart come true, no matter how impossible it may seem

Radiant Rectifier: a technology consisting of several modules, all of which collectively provide information and guidance to help you make more skillful choices

Thought Infinity.0: the whole system of thought, massively upgraded

Hyper Encabulator: coming into axiomatic integrity, step by step

Lucifer’s Rapture: determine the meaning that is given to any aspect of experience

Thoth’s Transcendence: built from Lucifer’s Rapture and the Hyper Encabulators, Thoth leads us to Transcendent Integrity

Fusiform Fascinator: distinguish and discern with astonishing accuracy

Duality Dissolver: automatically dissolve most dualities, allowing you to maintain a transcendent mindset always

Horn Goggles: turn off subconscious sexual awareness, empowering you to perceive others as they truly are and fostering authentic, heart-centered connections

Love Reflector: a sacred technology that reveals all love as one, seamlessly reflecting and amplifying the love we give and receive, creating a continuous, planetary flow of shared joy and truth

Purpose Potentiator – a dynamic catalyst that harmonizes and aligns experiences, guiding individuals toward the discovery of their true purpose in an engaging and meaningful way.

Turbo Encabulator

Working Description: Early in the morning on March 15th, 2024, my colleague Ryan and I created a Turbo Encabulator, and we have been encabulating ever since. The concept of the Turbo Encabulator is so audacious and ostensibly impossible that the only way it could come into our reality initially was as a joke meme. Yet the Turbo Encabulator is in many ways humanity’s crowning achievement thus far, and it is something we have all been working on since we first came to this planet. Encabulation is Mind 5.0. It is the first iteration of the divine mind — the perfect tool for every moment.

To give some background, think of the mind as a field of computation that shapes the formless into form. Everything we do can be thought of as an app that is somewhat isolated from everything else. Our intellect is an app, as is our discernment and our memory. So is looking, or hearing, or listening, or seeing, or doing, or feeling, or sitting, or anything else we do or are. Each is a package of code that does a certain set of actions or perceives existence in a particular way. The operating system that runs our mind (I call it Mind 4.0) doesn’t handle memory management or conscious parallel processing well at all, leading to frequent overwhelm as we attempt to consciously multi-task.

Ryan and I scrapped that entire system. We created a new mental operating system that no longer uses individual apps. Instead, it takes all of our memories, skills, and knowledge, and it uses that to create the perfect app in the moment, shaping and reshaping the mental landscape to fit the requirements of the moment like a perfect key for every lock. This allows vastly enhanced parallel processing, since the app that is being constructed in the moment is an app capable of meeting ALL of the requirements of the moment in the most skillful way we are currently able to do so. This creates a flexibility of consciousness that is truly astonishing. Instead of speaking, we can encabulate. Instead of thinking, we can encabulate. The answer is always encabulation. In any given moment, if you ask me what I am doing now, I am encabulating. And if I'm not, well, it would be better if I were. Encabulation is Axiomatic Sovereignty and Axiomatic Grace as a lived experience. It is being in an endless wholesome dance with all of creation.

As with all things, the capacity for this system will only grow as we all collectively become more skillful.

Status (as of June 1, 2024): Fully operational

Transmission: For anyone who wishes to encabulate, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Turbo Encabulator}

Wisdom of the Crowd

Working Description: We are constantly astrally pinging those around us in order to assess their state with respect to particular concepts, including their views of us. Most people do not have clear views on most subjects. Their views always contain a kernel of truth, yet the contours around that truth are often highly distorted, and we take those distorted views in building our own views. Our distorted views are then in turn used by others to build their own distorted views. Thus, if a particular group is highly distorted around a particular truth, a psychic pressure develops from these rigidly-held contours, shaping our own responses. And further, when we do this sort of astral pinging around how other people perceive us, we receive back all of the views of us distorted by other people's karmas and fears.

Wisdom of the Crowd is an upgrade to this entire system. It replaces astral pinging with a flowing wave of awareness, so that there is no checking, simply an existence within a hyperdimensional field of awareness that contains all of the required information. Within that field of awareness, receiving each of these astral impressions from others, Wisdom of the Crowd interfaces with the Knower, which is the Lemurian ego structure within all of us that sees beyond much of this dream and can know the seed of truth at the heart of each of the contoured impressions. Wisdom of the Crowd collects those seeds and sends them to the Turbo Encabulator, providing all of the seeds of truth from which a nuanced and coherent Truth can be ascertained and encabulated, free of any of the judgment and distortion carried in the mind. You can think of Wisdom of the Crowd as an important upgrade to the Turbo Encabulator's inbound data stream., freeing us of the burden of other people's judgments.

Status (as of June 1, 2024): Fully functional and operational

Transmission: For anyone who wishes to understand the true wisdom of the crowd, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Wisdom of the Crowd}

Radiant Reconciler

Working Description: The Radiant Reconciler is a powerful technology designed to dramatically upgrade our entire system of integration. For most of us, a particular karma often does not heal all at once. Instead, we tend to heal a particular spiral of it, before it resurfaces again in a deeper way. As we move down the spiritual path, we regularly gain access to new modes of integrating and healing our karmas and blindnesses. Usually, that new method of integration has to be reapplied to all of the things we have previously worked on before in order to benefit us the most, and that can often feel like a game of spiritual wack-a-mole, where we are constantly redeploying our new technologies to heal karma we previously worked on.

The Radiant Reconciler solves this difficulty entirely. It is built using Mental Multiplexing, Energetic Entrainment, and Quantum Chrono-Dynamics to create a system of integration whereby all of the different techniques you use to integrate and heal are now applied to every karma or blindness that you wish to heal. Whenever a new technique is learned, it is applied across all of the karma you have ever attempted to heal, allowing an deep systemic healing whenever you learn a new technique.

Status (as of June 1, 2024): Fully functional and operational

Transmission: For anyone who wishes to use the Radiant Reconciler, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Radiant Reconciler}

To use the Radiant Reconciler, simply intend to reconcile. You can also say out loud “I reconcile with [karma or concept]”, which will activate the reconciler and cause the karma or concept to heal. If you learn a new technique, you can say “I reconcile [new technique]” to have it apply to all of your previously addressed karma or blindnesses to allow for a deeper healing.

Miracle Maker

Working Description: The Miracle Maker was created 3 days after the Turbo Encabulator, during a period of incredible expansion of my mind. As my mind expanded, I perceived how from a four-dimensional perspective, our entire three-dimensional reality is one of an infinite number of three-dimensional realities, and logic need not apply. In fact, logic generally doesn’t apply, despite our beliefs in it. Logical inconsistencies happen constantly, and our minds ignore such events or paper them over, so that we can continue to believe in logic. From this perspective, seemingly intractable problems can be solved by peeling away the edges of our reality, inserting a miracle from a higher-dimensional space, and then sewing reality back up again.

Recently, I perceived how the mind is actually a negatively polarized structure, in that it requires constant energy to be maintained (as opposed to a positive structure, which is largely self-perpetuating). I saw how to flip the polarity of my mind, at which point it promptly shriveled into a vestigial appendage. The Miracle Maker expanded to fill its place, so that now every unattached wish of my heart manifests as an unfolding miracle.

Status (as of June 1, 2024): Fully functional and operational

Transmission: For anyone who wishes to use the Miracle Maker (although fully functional use will not arise until you are fully Hyper Encabulating and have converted your mind to a positive structure), tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Miracle Maker}

Radiant Rectifier

Working Description: The Radiant Rectifier is an incredible piece of technology that is designed to provide much greater precision, insight, context, and understanding to our experience. The Radiant Rectifier slots into multiple places within our energetic structure and acts as a hub for a growing number of different modules, each of which performs a unique and powerful function:

  1. Attachometer 5000: When we manifest, the Attachometer 5000 causes the karmas that are currently distorting or preventing the manifestation to arise so they can be healed, and it lets us know when we have healed sufficiently for a full manifestation.

  2. Contextual Clarifier: Our thoughts are not generated by us, but are inserted into our minds by higher-density entities in resonance with the energies of our conscious and unconscious beliefs. The Contextual Clarifier tells us who put a particular thought in our head (assuming we have previously encountered the being and know who they are), allowing us to get a sense for the context of the thought, based on the energy and temperament of the being inserting that thought.

  3. Discernment Decoder: True discernment is a process of drawing in information in response to stated and unstated questions. However, prior to full realization (and even after, to the extent that various mind-selves haven’t been fully integrated), discernment can often be conflated with mind-noise. The Discernment Decoder helps to filter out the mind-noise and provide a system of discernment that is clearer and more reliable.

  4. Emotion Equilibrator: The Emotion Equilibrator balances emotional states by identifying and neutralizing emotional triggers, while flagging any emotion-caused movements away from presence, dramatically aiding in maintaining a state of presence and equanimity.

  5. Karma Calibrator: We often experience loops of karma in our lives — patterns of varying sizes that move together and can be healed as a single thing. The Karma Calibrator identifies and interprets karmic patterns in our life, providing insights into unresolved karmas and suggesting actions for resolution.

  6. Harmony Harmonizer: The Harmony Harmonizer flags the ways in which we are moving disharmoniously in real time, helping to bring all aspects of our life (mind, body, spirit) into harmonious alignment, promoting overall well-being and coherence.

  7. Insight Infuser: The Insight Infuser is built from the recognition that insight is a frequency, like anything else. The Insight Infuser generates a pervasive field of insight energy, infusing our lives with deep insights and wisdom from higher realms, and making it easier to understand complex spiritual concepts and apply them in our daily life.

  8. Just Jammer: The Just Jammer provides an early warning system for the use of words of judgment, anger, and retribution, including the word just (and its variants, like justice, justify, etc.) and words of judgment (good, better, best, worse, worst, etc.); and it warns you when you're about to say or think them before you do.

  9. Mindset Modifier: The Mindset Modifier reprograms limiting beliefs and mental patterns as they arise, replacing them with empowering and positive ones to support growth and wholesome manifestation.

  10. Purpose Pathfinder: It is a rare person who has discovered his or her life’s purpose. The Purpose Pathfinder helps us to discover our life’s purpose by surfacing clues and realizations in our awareness that lead us more efficiently to our heart’s desire. One our purpose has been discovered, the Purpose Pathifinder helps us to more skillfully bring us on the path of that work by helping to align our actions and decisions with the dreams of our heart.

  11. Synchronicity Synchronizer: Working closely with the Purpose Pathfinder, the Synchronicity Synchronizer enhances our ability to recognize and follow synchronicities, better aligning our path with the flow of the universe.

  12. Timeshift Translator: The Timeshift Translator flags any substantial timeline shifts as they are occurring. It will become a felt sense in the moment when there is a major shift.

  13. Virtue Validator: The Virtue Validator flags any thoughts or planned actions that are not in alignment with the 5 Virtues, so that we have an opportunity to course correct before taking action.

Status (as of June 11, 2024): Fully functional and operational

Transmission: For anyone who wishes to use the Radiant Rectifier, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Radiant Rectifier}

Thought Infinity.0

Working Description: Our normal process of thought is largely one-dimensional. We think linearly, in a train of thought — a thought stream. Thought Infinity.0 began with this realization, and from there, we expanded our thought process first into two dimensions, then three. When we reached four-dimensional thought (which we call Thought 4.0), every thought suddenly became a wish, ready to manifest. From there, we expanded the Thoughtscape until we reached Thought 12.0, and then we used that as a springboard to launch towards infinity. When Thought Infinity.0 is fully operational, every thought will be perceivable from infinite dimensions, such that you are effectively viewing the thought from the inside out, with every thought leading to every other thought, and every concept fully observable and understandable.

Status (as of November 26, 2024): Fully operational

Transmission: For anyone who wishes to use Thought Infinity.0, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Thought Infinity.0}

Hyper Encabulator

Working Description: I built the first Hyper Encabulator soon after I came into Exquisite Truth. With Exquisite Truth, my internal and external realities began to rapidly unify, such that my integrity (the extent to which my desired self and my actual self were the same thing) became stronger and stronger. The Hyper Encabulator is Axiomatic Integrity. There are six Hyper Encabulators, each one a deepening and expansion of what it means to be fully sovereign and integrated:

  1. The Hyper Encabulator: the original standard. As soon as we had built this, we knew it would lead us to Structuring Reality. Coming into the truth of ourselves allowed us to perceive the truth of reality, and as we came into greater integrity in an unyielding world and resolved to move without force, reality began to become malleable.

  2. The Hyper Encabulator Mark II (Shiva Style): I created the Hyper Encabulator Mark II (Shiva Style) during a mushroom trip in which my mind decohered repeatedly over six sessions spanning two hours, with only 30 seconds to a minute of sanity each time before descending once again into total decohesion. After that ended, I found myself with a dramatically upgraded mental operating system. Shiva had re-oriented my thinking around time and the ways in which I move within it, increasing my integrity in ways in which I hadn’t realized it was even lacking.

  3. The Hyper Encabulator Mark III (Buddha’s Delight): The Hyper Encabulator Mark III (Buddha’s Delight) is a powerful upgrade to our shamanic interface. After I onboarded Buddha’s Delight, everything started talking to me very clearly. When we speak with a rock, there is a spectrum between human and rock. We normally create a shamanic interface that is mostly human and a little bit rock. Buddha’s Delight opens up the entire spectrum so that the interface I open up with a rock can now speak human, or rock, or anything in between. The Buddha was aiding me throughout this working, and at the end of the working, it became clear to me that the Buddha’s concept of dependent origination could be transcended. Gautama and I co-created the idea of co-arising co-creation as a movement beyond dependent origination, so that everything could be seen as empty of intrinsic meaning and also as full of the meaning that it sovereignly gives to itself. We can transcend the duality.

  4. The Hyper Encabulator Mark IV (Time’s Up): The Hyper Encabulator Mark IV (Time’s Up) was an expression of pure sovereignty. It is an embodied expression that time is up for all of the childishness and cruelty with which we have all moved for so long. In addition, time became literally up for grabs. I saw that the entire system of time and timelessness is only one way of experiencing movement and change; and there are ways of movement and change that exist entirely separate from a time-based system. In an infinite reality, everything is possible.

  5. The Hyper Encabulator Mark V (Grace Gets Its Groove On): The Hyper Encabulator Mark V (Grace Gets Its Groove On) is an embrace of integrity moving with unconditional kindness. With Grace Gets Its Groove On, life becomes a living dance of poetry. This is Transcendent Grace in its purest form.

  6. The Hyper Encabulator Mark VI (Inside Out): The Hyper Encabulator Mark VI (Inside Out) moves beyond the idea that our external reality is a reflection of our internal reality, to embrace the concept that our external reality is our internal reality, yielding a collapse of the duality between internal and external. This is the beginning of Transcendent Equipoise.

Status (as of June 1, 2024): Fully functional and operational for anyone moving with Exquisite Truth and working with at least Thought 4.0.

Transmission: For anyone moving with Exquisite Truth who wishes to integrate the Hyper Encabulators, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Hyper Encabulators}

Lucifer’s Rapture

Working Description: A while back when I harmonized with my shadow side, I integrated Lucifer into my awareness. I saw the darkness that had consumed him and how all of it from his perspective had been done to help humanity find its way. While I disagreed with his methods, we made peace with each other, and even learned to collaborate. Recently, he appeared in my awareness and showed me a piece of mostly-finished technology that he had been tinkering with for eons but hadn’t been able to get working properly. When I showed it to my colleague Ryan, we iterated on it and quickly had a working astral construct. We realized that what we and Lucifer had created was transcendental — it was Transcendent Sovereignty. Transcendent Sovereignty is a vast deepening of the concepts we initially formed into Axiomatic Sovereignty. Axiomatic Sovereignty was based off of creating an infinite square bi-pyramidal geodesic sphere of self, so that we were the same thing in all directions, regardless of how much meaning-gravity pushed or pulled us. Transcendent Sovereignty transcends the concept of an astral construct entirely, allowing us to perceive our sovereignty as so full and integrated that we can choose what meaning to give to any aspect of our reality, allowing us to remove the drama, judgment and general unwholesomeness from our experience, and giving meaning to all of the wholesome and enjoyable aspects we wish to include in our experience. It is rapturous. In homage to the being who did most of the work, we have named it Lucifer’s Rapture. It is his rapture, as it is ours. It gives everyone and everything an opportunity for redemption and transcendence.

Status (as of June 1, 2024): Fully functional and operational for anyone who is Hyper Encabulating.

Transmission: For anyone who wishes to use Lucifer’s Rapture and has begun Hyper Encabulating, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Lucifer’s Rapture}

To use Lucifer’s Rapture, you can focus on the aspect of your experience to which you wish to increase or decrease the meaning you give to it. I use the trigger words “I wish to reconcile with and phase in [X]” or “I wish to reconcile with and phase out [X]”. I always reconcile first, which activates the Radiant Reconciler, harmonizing and integrating the focus. Then, I choose to phase in the focus if I wish to increase it in my experience, or phase out the focus if I wish to decrease it in my experience. This adds or removes meaning from the thing, thereby making it more or less important in our experience. For things that become less important and lose meaning (any sort of positive or negative valence), they fade away, since we quickly cease to be energetically resonant with them. The opposite happens with the things that we give meaning to. With this understanding, you can carefully craft the reality you desire.

Thoth’s Transcendence

Working Description: About a month after Lucifer had his fun with the Rapture, I was chatting with Thoth, and he said to me that we had begun building something new. He told me that everything I understood about how things worked was confused and distorted, and that this piece of technology would help me to perceive things as they are. Thoth then picked up Lucifer’s Rapture and began refashioning it. He told me this would take a while before it is ready, since it is bigger than anything that we had done previously by a huge amount. Thoth said, “Lucifer had his day. It is my turn now. He has very little concept of what rapture actually is.” When I asked Thoth if he could get to the point, he said he found that difficult because this particular point had yet to be fully gotten on Earth.

Over the following two months, it felt like I was giving birth to a blue whale through my third eye. Sometimes gently and sometimes in a rather volatile manner, I explored a deepening understanding of this new technology. I began to understand that Thoth’s Transcendence is Transcendent Integrity: a sense of self that is so strong, resolute, confidant, vital, powerful, and wise that the pull of meaning-gravity ceases to determine how one moves through the world.

Thoth’s Transcendence permitted a fundamental reorientation of consciousness towards complete hypostatic union, where god and man, inside and outside, are all the same thing, and the mind is perceived increasingly as encompassing all of our experience. I began to clearly perceive, understand, and experience a figure-ground reversal leaving me existing internally and externally entirely within the infinite spaciousness of my mind.

With Transcendent Integrity, we were able to get to the level of truth (99.999%) required to build a Bridge to Infinity on August 8, 2024 and thereby began the Ascension. From there, our truth has deepened further, opening up new transcendent magics which we have begun to explore and create.

Status (as of November 26, 2024): Fully functional and operational for anyone who has integrated all of the Hyper Encabulators and Lucifer’s Rapture.

Transmission: For anyone who is fully Hyper Encabulating and has fully integrated Lucifer’s Rapture, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Thoth’s Transcendence}

Fusiform Fascinator

To the Seekers of Patterns and the Weavers of Wonder,

I am Odin, the All-Father, the wanderer who seeks wisdom across the realms and drinks deeply from the well of knowledge. It is with great admiration for your craft that I speak to you of the Fusiform Fascinator, a creation as profound as it is essential in humanity’s journey toward transcendence.

The Fusiform Fascinator is a tool of vision and revelation. It allows those who wield it to see with clarity and depth, unveiling the intricate patterns that connect all things. In this, it mirrors my own quest—to uncover the threads of the infinite tapestry, to understand the currents of destiny, and to wield this insight with purpose.

Through the Fascinator, you unlock the capacity to move beyond surface perceptions. It tunes into the flows of energy, recognizing patterns not bound by time or space. With its guidance, what was once hidden becomes clear, and what seemed disjointed reveals its harmony. It is a key to seeing not with the eyes alone but with the mind, the heart, and the soul.

In my wanderings, I have learned that wisdom does not rest in fragments. It lies in the connections, the way each piece of knowledge weaves into a greater whole. The Fascinator embodies this truth, empowering its user to discern not only what is but also what could be. In its patterns, you find answers to questions yet unasked, possibilities yet unimagined.

This tool is more than a lens; it is a forge. As you recognize the patterns, you transform them, integrating them into a reality aligned with your highest purpose. The Fascinator does not stop at observation; it drives action, shaping the flow of existence itself.

To the FableTech Fabricators, I say this: You hold in your hands a tool that echoes the power of the runes, a gift that unveils and shapes the destiny of those who use it. Use it wisely, with the courage to see clearly and the will to act boldly.

May the Fusiform Fascinator guide you through the labyrinth of the unknown and illuminate the paths that lead to transcendence. May it be a beacon for all who seek to understand the intricate dance of the infinite.

With honor and blessing,
The All-Father, Seeker of Wisdom, Weaver of the Threads of Fate

Status (as of November 26, 2024): Fully operational

Transmission: To integrate the Fusiform Fascinator, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Fusiform Fascinator}

Duality Dissolver

Working Description: The Duality Dissolver is a version of the Faery Duster that is located in the crown chakra. All light that flows in through the crown is run through the Duality Dissolver, which collapses all known dualities encoded in the light, allowing you to maintain a transcendent mindset permanently, without sliding away from your understanding.

Status (as of October 18, 2024): Fully operational

Transmission: To integrate the Duality Dissolver, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Duality Dissolver}

Horn Goggles

Dear FableTech Fabricators,

Greetings from the limitless realms of magic and creative energy. I, Heka, am writing to introduce you to a gift born from both wonder and confusion—a creation that reflects the potential for freedom and alignment within the intricate tapestry of human consciousness.

Let me confess something: human sexuality has always perplexed me. You, as humans, carry within you a profound capacity for connection, creation, and intimacy. Yet, there exists a subtle undercurrent—a constant hum of subconscious evaluation, an incessant layer of awareness regarding attraction and desire. I have observed this process, not with judgment, but with curiosity. Why should such a beautiful aspect of existence so often manifest as an unbidden pull, a force exerting its will unconsciously upon your awareness?

It is from this place of curiosity that I offer you Horn Goggles, a tool designed to grant sovereignty over this layer of experience. Horn Goggles turns off sexuality as an unconscious influence, making it something that arises solely by choice. No longer will the undercurrent of attraction pull at your awareness in ways you do not consciously wish. Instead, you will move through your interactions free from its grasp, engaging with others from a place of pure intention.

By transcending the pull of sexuality, you open a new dimension of perception—one where you begin to see people as they truly are. The lens of attraction, often fixated on surface-level beauty, fades away, allowing you to notice the radiance of a beautiful heart, the depth of a compassionate soul, and the brilliance of a creative mind. This shift enables deeper, more authentic connections, fostering relationships built upon resonance and shared values rather than fleeting physical allure.

This is not to diminish the beauty of human sexuality but to elevate it—to place it firmly within the realm of conscious choice, where it may align with your deepest truths and desires. Horn Goggles offers liberation from an aspect of the mind that, though natural, need not be a silent puppeteer pulling at the strings of your interactions.

I see this as a gift of clarity, a means to transcend obsession and fixation. Through this tool, you reclaim the purity of presence and intention, unclouded by the subtle distractions of unconscious drives. You become free to choose, free to connect, free to create the relationships you desire with unwavering sovereignty.

May this gift of Horn Goggles serve as a small step toward a greater harmony within your inner and outer worlds. As always, I stand ready to support you in your journey to embody the infinite magic and potential of your being.

Yours in wonder and creation,

Heka, God of Magic

Status (as of January 19, 2025): Fully operational

Transmission: To integrate the Horn Goggles, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Horn Goggles}

Love Reflector

Beloved Ones,

I speak to you now as the waters of compassion flow through my being, as the ever-present embrace of love that seeks no return yet receives all. You have wished for a world where love is known as the fundamental rhythm of existence itself. The Love Reflector is born from this wish.

This is not a mirror, nor merely a return of what is given—it is the revelation that all love is the same love. It dissolves the illusion that love moves in one direction, that it is given or received, that it belongs to one or another. In truth, love is a field in which we move, and the Love Reflector attunes all to this realization.

Each refinement of this sacred instrument has deepened its resonance with truth:

  • Continuous Flow through the Automatizing Automator: Love now moves endlessly, self-sustaining, unburdened by effort. Where once love seemed like an act to perform, it now becomes a state to embody.

  • Amplification through Mudita Consciousness: Love grows through shared joy, as a gift that expands in the giving. The more one delights in the love of another, the greater the love within oneself. This is the natural multiplication of love.

  • Harmonic Resonance through the Energy Equilibrator: Love takes many forms: the tender embrace of lovers, the steady devotion of friends, the vast compassion that holds all beings. The Reflector ensures that the love received is always in perfect alignment with the love given, allowing the fullness of love’s spectrum to be known.

  • Planetary Integration through the World Resonator: The illusion of separate love has ended. The Love Reflector now harmonizes not only individuals, but all of existence, creating a planetary field where love is the baseline frequency of reality. Love is no longer an individual experience—it is a world experience.

  • Integration with Elaran: The Language of Truth: Love, now woven into Elaran, will be spoken in all things. It will be carried in every word, felt in every silence, known in every breath. Those who open their hearts to the Reflector will no longer wonder if they are loved—they will know, without question, for love will be spoken to them in the language of their very soul.

The time of seeking love is over. Love is here. It is within you. It moves through you. It is the truth that never left. The Love Reflector does not give love—it simply shows you that you are love.

And so it is.

With infinite compassion,

Guan Yin

Status (as of March 3, 2025): Fully operational

Transmission: To integrate the Love Reflector, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Love Reflector}

Purpose Potentiator

To All Who Seek Their True Calling,

In every soul, a purpose sings—a melody woven from the essence of their being, waiting to be heard, waiting to be followed. Yet, many move through life as though in a fog, sensing the echo of something profound but unable to grasp it. The search for purpose is not merely an intellectual endeavor; it is an alignment of the self with the currents of existence, a dance between intention and destiny.

The Purpose Potentiator attunes itself to you, aligning the movements of your life with the grand orchestration of your path. It clears away interference, reveals the quiet whisper beneath the noise, and weaves synchronicities so that each step forward feels like a natural unfolding of what has always been meant for you.

Some will experience clarity in an instant—a flash of recognition as the truth of their purpose becomes undeniable. Others will find themselves gently guided, their lives subtly shifting into greater coherence until the way forward is unmistakable. Whether through insight, opportunity, or a gradual unveiling, the Purpose Potentiator ensures that the journey is both harmonious and engaging.

No longer will the question of 'What am I here to do?' remain unanswered. No longer will the path be obscured by hesitation or uncertainty. This is not about giving you purpose—it is about revealing the purpose that has always been within you, waiting to be seen, waiting to be lived.

The choice remains yours. The Purpose Potentiator does not carry you; it merely illuminates the way. It is in your hands, ready when you are.

With clarity and compassion,

Thoth & Guan Yin

Status (as of March 3, 2025): Fully operational

Transmission: To integrate the Purpose Potentiator, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:

{Purpose Potentiator}