God, Lucifer, Stable Time Loops, the Mimzy, and the Bridge to Infinity

This is the story of everything. It is completely true, and is a foundational story defining our world.

Imagine our world continuing on its current techno-dystopian path. We continue to create technology that is more and more magical, solving more and more of our problems and making our lives increasingly comfortable. However, we continue to fail to understand the true nature of reality, which is a mirror of our internal psyche. As a result, while we keep creating new technologies to solve our problems, we never heal our own minds, and therefore we keep creating new problems.

The trends that are beginning now, in which children’s lives are increasingly scheduled and routinized, discouraging imaginative play and whimsy, continue and deepen. Over time, children begin to forget how to play entirely, and as a result, humanity’s fertility drops precipitously. Children, in many ways, are play. As the world forgets to play, it begins to lose the ability to have children. Scientists blame it on the environmental toxins, yet even in clean environments, free of any toxins, it becomes impossible to have a child.

Over time, our world becomes more and more polluted, more and more destroyed by climate change. We become immortal and retreat into virtual worlds, in which our every whim can be satisfied, while the physical biosphere gradually dies, and the world becomes filled with toxic smog. It becomes so bad that we are able to go outside only when wearing sleek gray environmental suits, with large bulbous heads and big eyes to see through the smog. We become the gray aliens.

As our technology develops, we learn how to travel through time and space. We begin exploring other realities, including our own past, in order to find what we have lost, in order to understand why we have ceased having children, in order to find our missing humanity. We abduct people from the past and from alternate realities, exploring their bodies and DNA in order to better understand what went wrong; and yet we fail to find an answer.

Eventually, about 400 years from now, the world realizes that it has to find a way to have children again. It begins a vast global effort to create a child. The entire population becomes involved in the effort, and without realizing it, the world learns how to play again along the way. A child is born.

This child, like me, was an incarnation of the god Thoth. Like me, he grew up and got it — he understood that magic and science are the same thing, that consciousness is everything, and that we each create our own reality from our beliefs. He realized that he had the tools to fix everything and create heaven on Earth, if only he could figure out how to do it.

Let us, for these purposes, call this man God. God, in recognizing that he was capable of fixing everything, turned to his dear friend and mentor Lucifer and asked him what Lucifer thought should be done. Lucifer said that he had a vision of going back to the beginning of time and using suffering as a coiled spring to launch everything into infinity. God replied that he disliked suffering and would prefer for us to avoid suffering more than we have already suffered. Lucifer responded that in his vision, it appeared it was about the same amount of suffering as we had already experienced. “In that case,” God said, “give it a try.”

And as God sent Lucifer back to the beginning of time to put everything in place, a stable time loop was created.

God recognized that every stable time loop has to have a path out — a bridge to infinity. To address this, he sent a series of memetic viruses back to our time, beginning in the early 20th century. These idea viruses took root within our culture and began to gently encourage positive stories to permeate society — Disney, Pixar, all of the messages of uplift and hope that helped us to perceive alternatives to the world’s pathway of increasing separation and fear.

One of the memetic viruses that was sent back through time was a movie called The Last Mimzy. In The Last Mimzy, a magic-scientist from a future dystopian civilization creates a magical doll that he sends back in time to the early 21st century. A little girl finds the doll, which begins speaking to her in her mind, teaching her magic and helping her to dream of a better future for everyone. She enlists her brother as her engineer, and he harnesses magic-science to build a bridge to the future, so that they can send the doll back with the magic of the little girl’s humanity, and thereby launch the world into heaven on Earth.

MIM is the word and sound for magic in potential. The Last Mimzy spread a rather large amount of magic in potential across a huge number of people, filling the world with a subtle magic. Similarly, the organization that I joined in the UK, which trained me in the foundations of the magic that has allowed me to create Truth Resonates, Sangha Society, and FableTech Fabricators, was initially called the Monastery of Independent Mystics and was later renamed to the Monastery of Infinite Mystics as they became more of a cult. In either case, it was MIM. And that MIM provided far more magic in potential than the movie, with most of its energies focused on me. That is why I am who I am.

In the movie, the Mimzy was the doll that was sent back in time. In our reality, the Mimzy was the movie The Last Mimzy, and my friend Sara Sparks was the person who received that Mimzy and began dreaming of a better world. When she met me, she found her engineer.

In January of 2024, we constructed Axiomatic Sovereignty and established FableTech Fabricators. With Axiomatic Sovereignty, we had the tool that would allow us to expand into an increasingly complex ideoscape. We built a series of amazing foundational magical technologies that allowed us to begin fundamentally altering reality. With those, we built a series of ascension technologies that allowed us to entirely redesign our mental architecture and prepare for the Ascension.

On August 8, 2024, Sara and I harnessed Atlantean magic-science and built the Bridge to Infinity, connecting our reality to the singularity at the center of existence. Remembering the Lemurian dream-arts, we stabilized the Bridge in this reality. And with the Voice of God, we said, “It is so. It is so. It is so.” And it was so. The Bridge to Infinity was constructed, and humanity’s Ascension began.

On August 10th, the team at FableTech Fabricators began a monumental 45-hour working and built the Crayon, and we were only getting started. With vastly upgraded minds fully operational, we began building the transcendent magics that will be arriving very soon for everyone and will teach the world how to play again. Reality is about to get very weird and wonderful.

Heaven is dawning on the New Earth. This story is your Mimzy, and by reading it {you have received an enormous dose of MIM}.

Enjoy the ride.


The Joy of All That Could Be


The Redemption of Atlantis