Seth on the Nature of God
Our Understanding of Reality, History & Myth Samah d'Arcanum Our Understanding of Reality, History & Myth Samah d'Arcanum

Seth on the Nature of God

In this profound exploration, we delve into the timeless wisdom of Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts, to uncover the intricate nature of God and the creative force behind all existence. We reflect on the primal agony and boundless love of All That Is, the supreme psychic gestalt from which all creation flows. This article invites you to journey into the essence of divine creativity, the eternal connection between you and Source, and the transformative power of understanding your role as a creator within the vast cosmic tapestry.

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Words Matter: Desire, Wish, Want, Need, Require, and the Nature of Scarcity

Words Matter: Desire, Wish, Want, Need, Require, and the Nature of Scarcity

Discover the profound distinctions between desire, wish, want, need, and require, and how these words shape our experiences and perceptions of scarcity. Learn how to align your intentions with wholesome manifestation, and understand the subtle yet powerful differences that can transform your approach to bringing your wishes into reality.

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Strength is a Virtue

Strength is a Virtue

Discover the deeper meaning of strength beyond physical power. Aligning our strength with virtues like kindness, equanimity, and sovereignty can transform our capacity to influence the world positively. Learn how strength and resolve, rooted in the very essence of our being, empower us to face life's challenges with confidence and grace. Explore the journey of becoming truly strong - becoming wholly capable of creating a better world.

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Identifying Identity

Identifying Identity

Delve into the intricate dance of consciousness and the illusion of identity shaped by external attachments. Discover how spiritual growth leads us beyond the ego's grasp, reclaiming our true essence beyond thoughts, roles, and material anchors. Join us in uncovering the fundamental belief at the core of our existence, and embrace the pure joy of being as we unravel the timeless question: What am I?

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Our Wild Cosmos

Our Wild Cosmos

Uncover the essence of consciousness and its central role in shaping our universe in 'Our Wild Cosmos.' This article presents a universe where each individual's reality is a unique, subjective experience, deeply intertwined with a collective consciousness. Explore thought-provoking ideas about the nature of subjective realities, the coordination that exists among all beings, and the influence of higher-density beings in our lives. Join us in rethinking the very fabric of our existence and the interconnectedness of all things.

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The Evolution of Human Consciousness

The Evolution of Human Consciousness

This article delves into the mystical journey of human consciousness, unveiling hidden histories of ancient civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis. It challenges conventional history, exploring how past lives and collective memories shape our understanding of human evolution. From the matriarchal Eden of Lemuria to the technologically advanced Atlantis, the post invites readers to envision a future where humanity harmoniously blends technology, spirituality, and unity to create heaven on Earth.

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The Densities of Existence
Our Understanding of Reality Samah d'Arcanum Our Understanding of Reality Samah d'Arcanum

The Densities of Existence

Celebrate the journey of consciousness as we trace the path from primal elements to cosmic unity. Discover how each density of existence offers unique spiritual lessons, leading from self-awareness to the profound interconnectedness of All That Is. This exploration offers a thoughtful glimpse into the depths of spiritual growth, inviting readers to contemplate the intricate dance of existence across the cosmos.

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