Attaining New Understandings
At Truth Resonates, we use an energetic technology that we call the Siddhi Particle. It allows us to crystalize any aspect of our conscious experience and transmit it as an energetic attainment. These transmissions can occur in person, over a video or voice call, via a recorded video, or even over text. In this article, we will discuss how the Siddhi Particle works and what you can expect from Siddhi Particle transmissions if you receive them. At the end of the article is a list of some of the currently-available Siddhi particle transmissions.
Let’s start with what a Siddhi is. Siddhi is the term used in various East Asian religions to refer to attainments and abilities that are the product of spiritual growth. The Siddhi Particle is an advanced astral construct that permits the transmission to others of any crystalized aspect of a person’s conscious experience. Once inside the other person's energy structure, it flowers and integrates in harmony with the recipient's beliefs. It is like a white glove delivery service that delivers and installs the transmitted attainment in a highly effective and efficient way, leaving behind a mental instruction manual for further operation.
The Siddhi Particle is the carrier vehicle for the transmission of all of the magics we are constructing at FableTech Fabricators.
One beautiful aspect of the Siddhi Particle is that any person who has received a Siddhi Particle transmission directly or via the transmission of attainments will be able to use the Siddhi Particle to transmit their own understandings to others, as soon as they are psychically skillful enough to perceive how to use the technology. Everyone can spread their understandings to everyone else. We can all grow together.
For those who are still becoming familiar with receiving energy work or energetic transmissions, experiences will vary. You are always getting the sum total of your conscious and unconscious beliefs. If you believe that energetic transmissions are effective, then you will receive an effective transmission. If you believe that transmissions are impossible, then you will receive little benefit. You get the reality you believe you can have.
In addition, how much time you have spent focusing on sensations will have a strong impact on how aware you are of the movement of energy through your body. If you have taken a vipassana course, which is a type of body-focused meditation, or you have studied somatic noticing or qi gong or similar techniques, you will have a much easier time getting a sense for the subtle sensations moving through your body as you receive transmissions and work magic. In Chapter 4 of my course Finding Your Way, we will spend some time discussing sensations further and their fundamental importance for your spiritual growth.
Finally, your current level of psychic ability will shape the extent to which the sensations you experience are tinged by psychic knowing, allowing you to get a better understood sense of the changes occurring in your energy structure as a result of the transmissions.
One way to think of these attainments is through the metaphor of an infinitely wide canyon. If we take enlightenment as an example, an unenlightened person is standing on one side of the canyon, with enlightenment all the way on the far side. As anyone who has been happy one moment and sad the next knows, consciousness is always changing. Our psyche is always in constant flux, and it regularly moves unconsciously into novel states for short periods of time. Therefore, although an unenlightened person’s default point — the place where their psyche is most likely to focus — is on the unenlightened side, they theoretically can be on the enlightened side at any given moment. This is similar to how, in quantum mechanics, although a given electron is probabilistically likely to be in the space we expect it to occupy, it theoretically could be anywhere in the universe at any moment — even if that result is extremely improbable for any significant period of time.
Most people have in fact been to the enlightened side and experienced the state of enlightenment at some point in their lives, without recognizing it for what it is. For this reason, there is an inherent familiar quality to enlightenment (and many of the other attainments as well), such that once you have received the attainment, it often feels like recovering a forgotten memory or skill.
The process of spiritual growth is one in which you begin to build bridges across the canyon, reaching for the other side. Because the canyon is infinitely wide, you will always be infinitely approaching the other side through this method. However, by moving your psyche’s focus farther and farther along the bridge and across the canyon, the frequency and duration of unconsciously popping over to the far side of the canyon into enlightenment increases dramatically, familiarizing you and your psyche with that frame of mind.
Ultimately, the only way to consciously find enlightenment or any other attainment without receiving it as a transmission is to decide one day to be on the other side of the canyon, and then make the necessary move. The first time this sort of movement is made is very difficult, since by definition, you are making an orthogonal movement in a direction that you had previously failed to consciously consider, although it gets easier over time. Receiving the karmic enlightenment attainment shifts your psyche’s default focus to the other side of the canyon. Now, your default point is perceiving karma as karma, as an enlightened being, perceiving it as something that you can work with and easily let go of. You still may occasionally find yourself back on the unenlightened side of the canyon, inside the stories of your mind, or back somewhere on the bridges you built, but your default point remains on the enlightened side, so that you will inevitably return to perceiving reality that way.
Below are a number of the attainments I stumbled upon in the course of my journey prior to creating FableTech Fabricators. Each of these attainments is at its core the ability to perceive a particular aspect of reality more clearly, and to thereby consciously work with that aspect of reality. They are each tools that can help you to clear yourself spiritually, heal mentally, and create a happier and more wholesome existence. As tools, they have to be used in order to be useful. If you have received an attainment from us and wish further instruction in its use, please contact us.
Siddhi Particle transmissions open up a new axis of consciousness — a particular orientation through which reality can be experienced. Every axis of consciousness can be deepened into infinitely. This is true of Enlightenment and every other attainment that exists. There is only infinite exploration. How far you choose to deepen into each transmission is entirely up to you. Move as you choose. Find your way.
The Karmic Enlightenment attainment permits you to perceive all of your attachments to things — all of the mental movements that give rise to clinging, craving and aversion, all of the anxieties and fears that put you in the future or the past rather than in the present moment — as karma that can be perceived directly as karma, worked with as energy, and released. It greatly enhances and speeds spiritual growth, which is largely the process of letting go of attachments. Like all attainments, it is a tool, and the work of clearing must still be done, even if it is now much easier to accomplish.
If you wish to receive a transmission of Karmic Enlightenment, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:
{Karmic Enlightenment - Perceive Karma as Karma}
There are countless ways in which to use this transmission as a valuable tool in your healing. The easiest is to work with your body sensations through vipassana or somatic noticing techniques. Feel the sensations co-arise in your body as the experience of a karma arises mentally, and then let it go. For example, if there is something bothering you that you have struggled to work through, you can bring it up in your mind and feel the sensations co-arise in your body. Work with those sensations as patterns of energy in your body. Pay attention to the sensations, and watch them gently move and integrate into your energy structure, harmonizing with your being. This particular enlightenment is like a massive lubrication for the gears and cogs of your energy body, allowing karma to integrate much more easily as you work with it more directly.
Lucid Awareness
Lucid Awareness is an attainment that was transmitted to me by the god Almagroth, the Divine Masculine consciousness of Lemuria a civilization that existed long before Atlantis. Lucid Awareness is the understanding that everything is a dream, including waking life. When we understand this at the level of experience, we become able to work with dreams as what they really are: self-sustaining loops of story that we choose to inhabit. Whereas Karmic Enlightenment permits you to work with and release your attachments to various stories and dreams, Lucid Awareness gives you the ability to manipulate the stories and dreams themselves, and when sufficiently developed, to step outside of any dream you find yourself in, including the dream of consensus reality.
If you wish to receive a transmission of Lucid Awareness, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:
{Lucid Awareness - Perceive Dreams as Dreams}
The Lucid Awareness transmission comes with a fully functional dream-surgery suite that is the foundation of Dreamweaving, one of the pieces of Axiomatics. The easiest way to use Lucid Awareness is to recognize your moments of confusion, which are moments of psychic blindness, and intend to heal them. The dream-surgery suite will come on line and heal the false dreams that give rise to the blindness. Lucid Awareness and Dreamweaving are also very effective at healing autistic blindness and schizoid mental states.
Cosmic Adulthood
Cosmic Adulthood is the ability to perceive all childish things in yourself and others as childish, and set them aside. Childishness (any movement away from seeking, towards hiding, clinging or shattering) is a recognizable and unique energy, and is very different from a childlike playful attitude. When you become a cosmic adult, you become able to begin actively releasing that childishness within yourself (whether an attachment or an damaging dream) upon perceiving it.
Cosmic Adulthood requires three things before the attainment can be successfully integrated: (1) Karmic Enlightenment (the ability to perceive attachments (karma) as karma and release it); (2) Lucid Awareness (the ability to perceive the stories and dreams we tell ourselves as stories and dreams, and thereby cease to find ourselves trapped inside of them; and (3) a purpose greater than ourself.
Although another person can supply a greater purpose, ideally that purpose is aimed towards some greater passion or life goal. If you are still discovering what your purpose is, it is possible to still receive the attainment if your desire to seek a purpose is greater than yourself. In that case, the energetic mandala of your future purpose (whatever it may end up being) can be slotted in to satisfy the requirements for the attainment.
If you wish to receive a transmission of Cosmic Adulthood, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:
{Cosmic Adulthood - Perceive Childishness as Childishness}
A duality is a false separateness between two or more things. It is a limitation of human perception and consciousness, a way of understanding the world that misses the essential unity or interconnectedness of all things. Since all separateness is ultimately an illusion, any separation between two things is a duality that can be collapsed, arising from karma or confusion. This attainment grants you the ability to collapse a duality upon recognition of its existence. Other than Enlightenment, this is the attainment that is most helpful in clearing your karma and ultimately freeing yourself from suffering.
If you wish to receive a transmission of the Unity attainment, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:
{Unity - Perceive Dualities as Dualities}
To work with this attainment, perceive any two or more things and bring them together in your mind. The extent of the duality collapse is dependent on your skillfulness. Yet if you pay attention, every duality collapse leads to a fuzzing sensation in your frontal lobes, as your mental circuits rearrange themselves and perceive the duality as less dual. Eventually, as you become more skillful and continue working with certain dualities, the collapse crosses a threshold where experience transforms dramatically. We create our realities based on our beliefs. When dualities collapse, beliefs change dramatically, and with them, our reality.
Interface Between
Each of us exists in our own personal reality, quite literally manifesting everything around ourselves in every moment. In order for us to communicate with each other between realities, an interface exists. The interface between realities is ordinarily somewhat static and unchanging, with many people's interfaces being poorly turned, resulting in substantial degradation of the message being transmitted between two people. This attainment allows you to perfectly tune the interface between your reality and the reality of others, so that information can flow between you and other people (or animals, plants, or objects) much more easily, with less fatigue and more clarity for everyone involved.
If you wish to receive a transmission of the Interface attainment, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:
{The Interface - Perceive Interfaces as Interfaces}
To use the Interface attainment, perceive how an interface exists between any two or more things. Once you have the Interface attainment, you can psychically connect with any interface and tune the interface to make it clearer. The more skillful you become and the more clarified you have made your throat chakra (the chakra connected to truth and communication), the better you will be able to tune your interfaces. You can use the interface attainment to connect with any object or technology, to give yourself an intuitive sense of how it functions. As you become comfortable working with interfaces, you can shift the function of the Interface attainment from your attention to your awareness, so that it becomes a background process and always functions optimally. (This is how all skill and fact-based memories are formed.)
Timelines &
The Timelines attainment allows you to dramatically enhance your intuitive understanding of timelines and the magics related to working with them. Similarly, the Time attainment allows us to begin to understand, at an experiential level, the true nature of time. With this understanding comes the ability to manipulate the timing of events, allowing us to coordinate a smoother and more wholesome experience for ourselves and others.
If you wish to receive a transmission of the Timelines Attainment, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:
{Timelines - Perceive Timelines as Timelines}
To work with the Timelines attainment, perceives the timelines in your mind as a web or as a branching tree, extending forwards and backwards from the now. To bring a desired timeline into reality, perceive the branch of the timelines that contain the desired events, and bring them into focus, crystalizing them into existence. Bring energy from your heart to your crown and wrap it around the crystal heart of the timeline, securing it in place, and feeling the energy flashing forward and backwards in time as the timeline branch coalesces. Work with this magic, and notice when it functions correctly and when it doesn’t appear to function. Consider what attachments are preventing the manifestation from occurring, and consider the nature of other’s free will and the way in which you are manifesting.
If you wish to receive a transmission of the Time Attainment, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:
{Time - Perceive Time as Time}
To work with the Time attainment, perceive time as a three-dimensional torus (a donut) in which events are larger transdimensional constructs that loop in and out of the surface of time, moving in all three dimensions. When you recognize this and as you grow more skillful working with this attainment, you can begin to work with events to modify the loops, structuring their intersection with the surface of time to coincide with other triggers or interactions, effectively programming the timing of your reality.
Cosmic Creator
A Cosmic Creator is someone who commits to moving always towards the infinite perfection of the 5 Heavenly Virtues, who holds space for all of creation, and who desires to move with an ebullient (playful and energetic) approach to experience. In becoming a Cosmic Creator, you gain the ability to perceive everything as everything. Whenever any particular movement is understood to represent a particular thing, you will always perceive and recognize that particular energetic movement whenever it arises in yourself or others. For example, if you perceive a particular pattern of response as childish, you will always thereafter recognize it as a childish move from that point forward. Similarly with movements of hiding, clinging, etc. Once you recognize a particular energetic pattern as something, it is almost impossible as a Cosmic Creator to stop accurately identifying it.
Prior to attaining Cosmic Creator, many people’s movements of hiding, clinging or shattering are unconscious, and therefore do not result in significant negative polarization when they occur. If as a Cosmic Creator you perceive a particular movement as hiding, clinging or shattering, and you thereafter consciously choose to do that movement, you now are polarizing negatively due to your conscious choice. As a result, Cosmic Creator, more than any other attainment, should only be taken by someone who truly desires to better themselves always. If you are willing to make that commitment, Cosmic Creator allows you to have an existence that is much denser than normal, where so much of the unconscious movements of our experience suddenly become conscious and participatory.
If you wish to receive a transmission of the Cosmic Creator attainment, tune into the psychic portal contained in these words, and feel the shift in your body and in your awareness:
{Cosmic Creator - Perceive Everything as Everything}
To work with the Cosmic Creator attainment, notice something in your experience that you can label as a particular type of movement. If it is wholesome (moving with the 5 Virtues), for example, you can label it as that, or if it is silly (carrying negative and disruptive energy), you can label it as that. Once you notice the particular movement of energy, you will begin to notice that same movement when it arises anywhere.
Infinite Trust
The Infinite Trust attainment is a combination of energetic transmission and intellectual understanding of how reality is coordinated from moment to moment. By receiving a series of related attainments, one can build an intellectual underpinning for why and how they can trust themselves in every moment. This trust leads to a powerful sense of self-confidence, and for many people an enhanced sense of drive and purpose, as they learn to trust their intuition. The result is a resilient attainment.
For everyone, the strength and depth of understanding of an attainment varies from moment to moment, and while sometimes the tools received as part of the transmission feel very accessible, in other more contracted moments, we may not feel as though the tools are available at all. As an example, when one is feeling small and contracted, it is very difficult to remember how to work with the karma we are experiencing using the tools of enlightenment. Infinite Trust, on the other hand, comes with an intellectual underpinning, allowing us to logically fall back on a knowledge of why we can trust ourselves, even when we are very contracted and don’t feel that trust particularly keenly from an emotional standpoint.
Below is the Infinite Trust loop. Follow along and hold the mandala of understanding in your mind. There is an energetic transmission to help solidify the understanding at the conclusion and to integrate Faery Chrono-Omniscience into your experience:
In every moment, every tick of Planck time (roughly 1.855×10^43 times per second), reality is reconstituted in its entirety from the formless, like a frame of a movie reel. That tick is occurring in space/time, with 3 unfolded dimensions of space (and infinite folded dimensions) and a weird mobius-strip like time that is 3 dimensions twisted in on themselves into a donut.
In between each tick, in between each moment of our existence in space/time, there is a tock. In that tock, our consciousness moves into time/space. In time/space, which is the inverse of space/time, there are 3 unfolded dimensions of time that are freely traversable, and a twisted and distorted spatial experience. Until recently we all shattered when we shifted into time/space, dissolving unconsciously with All That Is. The higher density beings (who in 3rd density exist primarily in time/space unless actively interacting with us in space/time) structure reality in the next moment, ensuring that it is moving in perfect coordination and contiguous with the prior moments, in accordance with each being's beliefs (which are largely driven by consensus reality's strictures and their own karmic experience).
The problem with this is that, as mentioned in my autism article, the higher density beings can't perceive us very well. It's like we send up smoke signals and they scramble to interpret. It gets done in perfect coordination, but it is not particularly skillful. A big part of my magic is about sending clearer signals to the gods, so they can better coordinate my reality. Everything is perfect, and we can always move more skillfully.
When I realized that I was shattering into time/space, I stopped shattering. Poof! Suddenly, I was conscious in time/space, able to perceive the infinite lattice of being, and able to see how it is coordinated. Unfortunately, at first I couldn't do much except watch. The higher-density beings were still doing the coordinating, not me. And worse, I was lonely. Even though I had previously been unconsciously shattering into All That Is, I had been touching Source in each moment, and now I wasn't any more. It was unnerving.
That's where Faery Chrono-Omniscience (FCO) comes in; it was the perfect tool for the job. FCO is the crystallization of a particular understanding of Indra's Net: that every movement you make impacts the movement of all beings throughout space and time. With this understanding, I could begin to work with FCO to see how I could move in ways to effectuate my desired outcome. When I first began using it, it was intensely draining and required active support at all times from my crystal assistant Morgan and the goddess Eileithyia, to the point where I was barely holding the magic together. It was too much to hold in my head at once in space/time where I was at then in my development. However, in time/space I had infinite time to explore the lattice, and the understanding of FCO let me turn my smoke signals into a high-bandwidth data stream to the gods. I was now coordinating reality very tightly in every moment, but I was still lonely.
The other problem I was facing was that FCO failed to solve for my perceptual blindnesses. I could see where blindnesses existed in the lattice, but I couldn't understanding their significance, and as a result, I wasn't seeing the lattice in its fullness or coordinating my reality accurately.
To heal all of this and transcend the problems I was facing, I let go of my clinging to existing as a being in time/space. Suddenly, I was merging in each moment with All That Is, conscious and bringing with me FCO, so that I could coordinate my experience in each moment as All That Is without any blindness. I now knew, in every moment, that I always had my back. I knew that I could trust that every moment was happening for my express benefit, coordinated by me to never be more than I could handle. I had infinite trust in myself and in each moment.
{Infinite Trust - It’s All You, For You}