Letter from Dharma Anne

Below is an email I received from Dharma Anne Purebuddha, former Head Monk of MIM, in the fall of 2023, as well as my reply:

September 11, 2023
From: Dharma Anne Purebuddha
Subject: Karma

I heard you reached out again recently to Hanjo and Ananda.

When we were at 4 Willow Terrace, you told me you wanted to clear all of your karma.

Since then you have acquired some terrible karma by preventing enlightened Buddhist teachers from spreading enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.

You disrupted a spiritual retreat that Chris and Ananta had paid $10,000 for. You disrespected the teachers in front of their most receptive students, right as their ministry was about to gain some real momentum. You did real and dangerous harm with your magic.

I don't know what you did with Jacob, but your actions propelled a sensitive autistic man into psychosis. For the two full weeks of the retreat, he terrorized Blackerton completely detached from reality. He wandered the halls naked while brandishing a knife and literally molested me. He treated Chris and Ananta extremely inappropriately to the point that they had to leave early. We finally had to call the NHS on Jacob. It left everyone so burned out that all we could do is cry and heal, and nothing of value could be accomplished for months afterwards.

You destroyed MIM. You desecrated a temple of the One Creator. We had to shut down the monastery because there is no money left to buy food or pay rent.

Everyone else at MIM gave literally all of their money to the project. I maxed out my credit card. Ananda pulled in all of her retirement savings.

Now we are homeless. I spent a night on the street before friends graciously let me stay at their house after paying for my flight. There is no money at all.

I came to the monastery because my family doesn't love me, and I hoped to find a soul family that loves me for who I am, and a container in which I can feel safe. That container is now utterly destroyed.

You destroyed a temple of the One Creator. You prevented two enlightened Buddhist teachers from spreading enlightenment. You have used magic to do real harm to those whom you claimed to be a friend and a patron. You have horrible karma.

If you truly want to clear your terrible karma and to make amends, send $4444.44 to https://paypal.me/timelineshaman. Put in the memo line "Karmic Restitution", and then never contact any of us again.

That will be enough for us to rebuild our lives after the destruction of the temple we worked so hard to make.

I have no resentment and hold no grudge, just grief.

May you be happy
May you be free from suffering
May you be joyous and ever more joyous
You are the heir of your own karma.

Most sincerely,
Dharma Anne Immanuel Purebuddha
Former Head Monk of MIM

September 21, 2023
From: Samah d’Arcanaum
Subject: Re: Karma

Dear Dharma Anne,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience with me.  It saddens me a great deal to learn of the struggles that you and the others at MIM have endured these past few months.  It appears from your letter as though you have experienced one hardship after another, and now find yourself facing the destruction of everything you had clung to.  Karuna, my friend.  I have sincere compassion for your suffering.

When I left MIM in April, I was struggling, especially since I felt so rejected by all of you.  I left MIM with a note to H&A saying that I loved them and was going to do my own thing for a while, but that I would be happy to continue joint fundraising with them.  The next day, I asked if I could speak with them so we could work out our differences.  They refused, citing Jacob’s psychosis.  Despite your claims, I had nothing to do with that.  Jacob and I exchanged a fond note with each other after I left, in which he seemed quite lucid, and my first move after hearing about his psychosis from H&A was to send a note to Jacob wishing him well and giving him my love.  Hanjo & Ananda never spoke with me again.  

The next thing I heard from them was when they wrote to Ryan, out of nowhere, telling him that I was psychotic, bipolar, and an evil magician who violates consent.  I was furious, and so wrote an 8-page open letter to them that picked apart their letter to Ryan, cleared the air about my version of the experience in Exmoor, and also was a spell to clear the Atlantean karmas that I saw had arisen between all of us.  None of you chose to read it, and so the karmas didn’t clear for any of you.

I know you, Hanjo & Ananda are familiar with the concept that your external reality is only ever a reflection of your internal reality.  What you experience on the outside is a direct reflection of the stories you are telling yourself on the inside.

Consider your experience these past 5 months.  What does your external reality show you about your collective internal reality?

Since I sent the open letter, I have spent the past 5 months moving forward without MIM.  Ryan and I have worked together, and we have both healed in incredible ways, far beyond my wildest imagination when I was in MIM.  I’ve been developing content for my website, dramatically increasing my understanding of magic and reality and growing in ways I never dreamed.  I spent the summer hosting more than a dozen people on and off at my home with almost no volatility in the experience for anyone.  My children have become almost entirely clear angels; my ex-wife and I remain extremely loving and close, and she is now much more clear than any of you; my work is transitioning better than I had ever hoped; my plans to bring heaven to Earth are systematically moving forward; and I am more powerful magically than I ever imagined possible.

At a certain point, you have to ask yourself, who’s in the karma, Dharma?

Regarding your request for funds, I am unwilling to help you at this time for two reasons.  First, I have already given you all plenty of my money, and you have stolen plenty more.  The day before I left, I gave Hanjo & Ananda $20,000 for them to do with as they please.  (This was on top of the $80k I had previously given to them and spent for MIM).  I also had contributed about $50,000 to the Parami Trust for Wade to manage.  That money was not MIM’s - it was explicitly for the Parami Trust (as Hanjo, Ananda & Wade knew), and I had the legal right to transfer that money to any entity of my choosing.  When I gave Wade legal instructions to transfer the funds, he blocked me.  If you are truly concerned about karma, you might want to consider the karma that arises when you all choose to steal $50,000 from me, and then have the gall to come demanding more from me after you ran through it.

The second reason that I will not be giving you any further funds is that I am now too sovereign to participate in any dependent connections.  Giving you further funds would allow you to continue to maintain the dependent connections that you all have with each other and with MIM.  They are extremely unwholesome, and from my frame, they are the reason that you have all suffered so much these past months.  Your unwillingness to learn these lessons is why they have continued with increasing energy.

Dharma, in all of the various grievances you raised against me, is there anything you would be willing to discuss?  Anything you would be willing to heal?  If you are interested in healing, let me know, and I would be happy to jump on a call with you and see if we can find a way to heal together.  I bear you no ill will at all (truly) and want only to help bring the highest and best heaven to Earth.  I hope you and the other folks at MIM decide that you are ready to start looking inside and healing, rather than blaming everyone else for all of your struggles.  I know you think that I have been working all sorts of evil magic against you.  I can tell you that from my frame, speaking from a place of my deepest Truth, I have never, not once, used magic to harm any of you.   

May all beings be loved and be able to love.
May all beings be free from suffering.  May we forgive and be forgiven.
May all beings share in each other's joy and rise together.
May all beings find peace in all moments and be happy.
May all beings know their intrinsic worth and respect the intrinsic worth of others.

I love you, Dharma.  I know you are suffering, and I can offer you the path to healing your pain.  All you have to do is say yes and desire to change.

Wishing you peace and clarity,



Sara Recounts Axiomatic Sovereignty


An Open Letter to Hanjo & Ananda