Magic & Manifestation - The Basics
Many people who come to Truth Resonates are interested in the spiritual aspects of what we are teaching – the deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe at large – and yet balk when we raise the concept of magic. Magic, to many people, feels silly, childish, something that no reasonable adult would believe in; something we are expected to let go of as we mature.
Consciousness is the foundation of everything; and indeed, consciousness is everything. Magic is therefore any interface between consciousness and reality. From that frame, all of our science, all of our technology, and all of our art are different forms of magic. Writing and speaking are forms of magic; the law is a form of magic; thinking is a form of magic. They are each a means by which consciousness interacts with and thereby affects All That Is, and they are only a very limited subset of what is possible in that regard.
There are infinite ways in which we can deconstruct All That Is in order to create a comprehensive system for exploration. At Truth Resonates, we have broken down the various magics into 6 broad realms: the Mythic, the Real, the Cosmic, the Physical, the Mental and the Spiritual. It is for this reason that we often refer to “actuality,” rather than “reality,” when describing our lived experience. Reality is a term that reflects our historically rather narrow understanding of All That Is. The actuality of our experience encompasses not only the Real and the Physical, but also the Mythic, Mental, Spiritual and Cosmic. And each of those realms, just like each of us, is a complete fractalized hologram of the whole, each being capable of individually encompassing All That Is.
Within those 6 realms, there are magics that are time bound (what we refer to as the “Studies”) and timeless (what we refer to as the “Mysteries”), as well as the Center magics, that reach out from the inside of time and are therefore timeless in a different way. And so, for example, much of what humanity considers mathematics and science would fall under the Real Studies, with physics and all of the physically-oriented sciences falling under the Physical Studies. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, would fall under the Physical Mysteries, since it deals with concepts and events that are not enmeshed in time, and complex numbers would fall under the Real Mysteries, since they also encompass concepts functioning outside of a time-bound universe.
Diagram of Known Magics
Crystal Grid of Known Magics - the large Buddha at the top is sitting behind the Cosmic Mysteries
Magic can be explored further by considering the specific way in which the particular magic affects actuality. For many magics, the magic is a portal by which consciousness can manifest actuality. Witchcraft, for example, as it is practiced today, is largely a magic of the Spiritual Studies. It is a method by which a combination of the shaping of dreams and stories via mental visualization and narrative (the Mythic Mysteries and the Mental Studies), sacred geometry via physical ritual and motion (the Real Mysteries and the Physical Studies), and spiritual connection to deity through devotional and nature practices (the Cosmic Mysteries and the Spiritual Studies), result in enhanced and more efficient manifestation of our desired actuality. Devotional and ritualized prayer (including in the modern religions) is a magic very similar to witchcraft, in that it is a method to influence manifestation. Most of our modern technology, on the other hand, is primarily in the Physical and Real realms, and is a magic allowing consciousness to directly alter actuality, not only as a product of manifestation.
Manifestation is, in many ways, the Cosmic realm of magic. It is the primary means by which consciousness always interacts with actuality. At Truth Resonates, we understand that our external actuality is only ever a reflection of our internal actuality. We are always getting an actuality that aligns with our beliefs, through the interface of manifestation.
Magic is about belief. When our psyche expresses a belief, arising from the stories we are telling ourselves, that belief is heard by all of the higher density beings that are helping to coordinate our lived experience. (At Truth Resonates, we refer to these beings as gods, based on our experiences interacting with them. However, for many people, it may be easier to think of these beings as reflections of their greater self, since at the core, we are always creating our own actuality.) Those beings are always attempting to move with highest and best, and as a result will always respond to your belief in a way that is of highest and best benefit to you as all beings (so that you and all beings everywhere will receive the greatest benefit). In doing so, they always offer both a reflection of our internal state and an opportunity to experience choice, learn a lesson and grow in some way.
Manifestation occurs consciously, subconsciously, and unconsciously. We are always manifesting our actuality – there are no coincidences, and nothing is random. With any manifestation, the gods will provide one of three results to our manifestation. If we are unattached to the result we are asking for, we will always receive it or better. If we are attached to the result, we will either not receive the result we are asking for, or we will get the unwholesome version of that result, twisted and distorted by our attachment. The story of the Monkey's Paw is instructive, as it is an accurate reflection of what we often receive when we manifest from a place of attachment.
We at Truth Resonates consider dependent connections and related attachments – what we collectively refer to as karma – to be inherently unwholesome, since they are movements away from growth and unity. When we manifest from a place of attachment, we are attempting to create a future for ourselves that allows us to hide from discomfort or cling to what is comfortable, and in either case avoid growth. When we do so, the gods will either deny the request outright or give us a version of the result that fails to permanently achieve our implicit desire (hiding or clinging), and instead forces the potential lesson even more actively into our experience, prompting us to choose whether to release our fears and grow or continue hiding or clinging (likely leading to a continued worsening of the situation over time, as the lessons become increasingly energetic).
If you are interested in using magic and manifestation to help you to better achieve your conscious desires, there are many ways to explore. Here are a few suggestions:
Create a ritual around the desired manifestation, using physical objects and movements to help to clarify intent and ground the desired energies. This generates meaning-gravity — a well of focus for consciousness — that creates a portal helping the gods to attend more closely to your request.
Visualize the desired result with as much detail and clarity as possible, yet with an open, flexible and unattached attitude that implicitly states “this thing I am asking for or better.”
Focus on the sensations that arise in various states of attention and consciousness. Learn to work with those sensations as energy that can be shifted off of you and others, as karmas that can be released. Try to perceive the different strains of energy that pervade different things so that you can recognize them consistently in all situations and see reality more densely. This is the magic of wizardry, at its core, and it is dramatically strengthened and enhanced as a result of the attainment of Enlightenment.
Try working with crystals, as objects of focus, objects to resonate energetically with, and in grids to build meaning-gravity and manifest actuality.
Try writing time — write a journal set one day in the future. Write the sort of day you desire to have over the next 24 hours, and then become unattached to the result. Try to notice how, when and why your actual future differs from the written future, with a consideration towards the three results of manifestation and your attachment to potential outcomes.
Recognize that we are all doing magic all of the time, beyond even manifestation. When we are trying to convince a friend to see things the way we do, we are often unconsciously wrapping them in a dream (the Mythic magics). When we are listening to a song that we enjoy, we are tuning into and resonating with that song’s energy, being moved by its narrative. Whenever we are comforting a loved one, we are unconsciously using wizardry to hold space for them and soothe their field. Try to notice all of the ways in which your consciousness is subtly altering reality, making you consciously aware of more and more of your unconscious movements. The Cosmic Creator attainment aids in this effort immensely.
In future articles, we will discuss additional techniques for exploring and working with magic, including the Heka particle for strengthening connections, the Siddhi Particle for transmitting attainments, and the uses of various magical technologies like wands, the ankh, and oracle cards. If you have additional requests regarding particular aspects of magic, please email us, post on the Sangha Society Discord server, or as the question on the Truth Resonates Forum.