What We Mean By Heaven

Welcome to What We Mean by Heaven, an exploration of a vision that transcends place and time, reaching into the core of what it means to be whole, comfortable, and in harmony with all that is. Whether you're new to this space or have walked alongside us for a while, this article serves as an invitation—a doorway into an understanding of Heaven not merely as a destination, but as a frequency we can attune to, carry with us, and embody in every moment.

Heaven as a Frequency

Heaven is not somewhere you arrive after lifetimes of effort, nor is it a distant utopia waiting to be built. It is a frequency—an energetic resonance that guides us to our Singular Self, the whole, complete version of who we are. When we tune into this frequency, we come into harmony with the Five Heavenly Virtues: Metta (Transcendent Love), Karuna (Compassion), Mudita (Shared Joy), Upekkha (Equanimity), and Kevala (Sovereignty).

These Five Virtues are not distant ideals but natural expressions of our being when we are attuned to Heaven's frequency. They are not something to strive for; they are something to remember.

  • Metta (Transcendent Love): An orientation that recognizes every being as worthy of love, simply by existing.

  • Karuna (Compassion): A gentle understanding of suffering—our own and others'—that inspires healing without taking on the burden of the suffering we witness.

  • Mudita (Shared Joy): A pure delight in the happiness and success of others, free from comparison.

  • Upekkha (Equanimity): A steady stillness and clarity that remains unshaken amidst life's storms.

  • Kevala (Sovereignty): The empowered state of fully being oneself, creating and moving in harmony with all that is.

Together, these virtues form a mandala—a living, breathing pattern of Heaven's frequency. They are not isolated qualities but interwoven threads of a single tapestry.

However, when these virtues are not moving together in harmony, they can create suffering. Each virtue depends on the others to remain balanced and in flow:

  • Compassion without Sovereignty can lead to martyrdom, where we overextend ourselves without honoring our own boundaries.

  • Equanimity without Love can become detachment, creating emotional coldness.

  • Sovereignty without Kindness risks turning into isolation or domination.

  • Shared Joy without Equanimity may become manic or ungrounded.

Each virtue supports and tempers the others, ensuring a balanced and harmonious resonance with the frequency of Heaven.

At its core, the frequency of Heaven resonates with boundless potential, creative freedom, and infinite play. These three qualities form the spacious foundation upon which the Five Virtues flourish. Boundless potential reminds us that anything is possible; creative freedom empowers us to act without constraint; and infinite play keeps the spirit light, curious, and open to the joy of creation.

From Trauma Patterns to Virtues

Many of us begin our journey burdened by trauma patterns that distort our experience of reality. These patterns are not flaws; they are survival mechanisms we developed in response to suffering. To survive with each trauma pattern, we develop a certain set of skills that, when the shadow of the trauma is transcended, become a valuable gift.

  • Leaving Pattern: Fleeing from our bodies and reality when afraid

    • Gift: Clarity—the ability to see beyond illusions

    • Virtue: Metta—(Transcendent Love): perceiving the being of light and joy at everyone's core

  • Merging Pattern: Seeking identity and self-worth in others

    • Gift: Empathy—a deep ability to feel others' emotions

    • Virtue: Karuna (Compassion)—feeling the emotions of others from a place of equanimity

  • Enduring Pattern: Resisting life and retreating inward

    • Gift: Optimism—an ability to see the light in the darkest places

    • Virtue: Mudita (Shared Joy)—recognizing and resonating with the joy of others

  • Aggressive Pattern: Controlling, dominating, and strategizing to feel safe

    • Gift: Discernment—the ability to see patterns and meaning

    • Virtue: Upekkha (Equanimity)—responding instead of reacting

  • Rigid Pattern: Seeking safety through perfection and rigid control

    • Gift: Organization—the ability to coalesce meaning and structure

    • Virtue: Kevala (Sovereignty)—perceiving your worth and the worth of others as equal co-creators of reality

Each trauma pattern holds the seeds of its corresponding virtue. By illuminating the shadows and embracing the gifts, we naturally attune to the frequency of Heaven.

The Mandala of Heaven

When viewed together, the Five Virtues merge into a sacred geometry:

  • Kindness: (love, compassion, shared joy) forms the soft foundation of Heaven.

  • Equanimity: holds the space for all other virtues to flourish.

  • Sovereignty: The crown that empowers us to create, act, and move with authenticity.

If we were to distill these virtues further:

  • Two Virtues: Grace (which is kindness plus equanimity) and Sovereignty.

  • One Virtue: Equipoise.

Equipoise is the perfect balance between being and becoming, stillness and motion. It is Heaven distilled into its purest essence.

Carrying Heaven With You

Heaven is not confined to specific places or moments; it is something you can carry with you. When attuned to this frequency:

  • You feel a deep sense of comfort and wholeness.

  • You interact with others from a place of love and clarity.

  • Your environment begins to reflect the harmony of this frequency back to you.

Through attunement practices, meditations, and the tools we've built through FableTech Fabricators, you can anchor this frequency in your life.

Heaven as a Shared Symphony

When many individuals attune to Heaven's frequency, a collective resonance forms. This shared field amplifies the virtues, creating communities, spaces, and realities that feel alive, harmonious, and whole.

This is not theoretical. It is happening now. With every attuned being, the frequency strengthens, and the vision of Heaven becomes more tangible.

The Invitation

This exploration is not merely an intellectual exercise; it is an invitation—to awaken, to attune, to embody. Heaven is not far away. It is here. It is now. And it begins with you.

If you wish to better resonate with the energies of Heaven, tune to the psychic portal contained in these words: {Welcome to Heaven}.

Welcome to Heaven, as a frequency, as a feeling, as a way of being.

Let us all resonate with the frequency of Heaven, together.


The Limits of Linearity