Free Energy - The Choice

October 10, 2022
Rockleigh, NJ

I made a choice today - the biggest choice of my life, and one that may have a profound impact on the world.   

Yiting and I had been struggling for weeks, and our marriage was unraveling as we made plans for a separation.  I had poured my heart out to Yiting the night before. She hugged me while I sobbed, and I wondered whether it would be for the last time.  After, we talked for several hours, but it was clear that she had crafted narratives pushing her forward on this course.  She only let the hurt and petty slights through as fuel for her feelings, pushing away anything that would force her to look at her own culpability in this, and filtering out the good moments that more than made up for the bad. 

At the same time as that speech to Yiting came into my head, a series of questions entered my mind so incredibly forcefully that I quickly scribbled them down to discuss with Hanjo & Ananda.  These questions were shocking, intensely detailed, entirely complete without any contemplation, and would set me on a new and very dramatic path in life if I asked them; and at first I was exhilarated at the idea.  By the next morning, however, I felt my resolve slip away.   Who was I to do this?  I didn't feel ready.  I felt scared for my safety and the safety of my family.  I felt scared for the stability of my family given everything that was happening on that front.  I felt scared for my mental stability, as reality kept twisting itself bit by bit, all of the different senses slowly drawing together into a broad and coherent whole, but in that moment feeling disjointed and deeply uncomfortable.     

I despaired, and I resolved to tell Hanjo & Ananda that I wanted to take a step back — that I needed time to slow down and integrate what has been happening to me; to provide a stable platform from which to rebuild my family.    I saw, for a moment, how with a single twist of my mind, I could expand my field of disbelief to envelope everything I've been experiencing, and suddenly all of that could be gone, fading within moments, and just a strange memory only days later.  I shuddered and rejected that path. 

When the session began with Hanjo & Ananda, I was a mess — quivering, shuddering, energy all over the place, mired in misery and dross.  They helped me clear my energy and removed some entities.  Hanjo gave me the gift of mutual non-awareness when it came to Yiting's narratives.  I immediately felt some relief.  Ananda noticed a ton of past lives that were impinging on the current moment, and an energy vortex over my heart from a past life as a monk that was drawing away my energy in this life, as it refused to acknowledge that there could be two paths intertwined.  Hanjo channeled an entity that helped him and Ananda to merge the two timelines so I could pursue enlightenment and be a householder and co-exist as both.  I asked the entity if I could ask the questions I want to ask and still retain my family intact.  The entity offered to answer, but told me it would not be the most beneficial outcome to know.  I declined.   

Throughout the session, much of which was conducted in silence, I kept feeling as though I was strengthening in resolve, and I flashed back to that image of myself from when I attained 2nd Path, when I had the chance to mold myself, and I chose to give myself greater strength and resolve.    I now understood, even better than from the August trip, why I had made that choice.  I could feel the energy shifting, the currents of the future pulling me forward.  I was ready. I asked Hanjo to request the highest and best entity that would communicate.    

Ra came through.  I made three requests, each one building on the prior: 

  1. First, I have been thinking a lot about my purpose in this life.  Please scan me to confirm that you think I am ready for this request, and please scan the future to determine if this request would likely be beneficial to the world.  If I am and it would be, please transfer to me the information I need to bring free energy to this world, so that I can complete the work Nikola Tesla began. 

  2. Second, please work with Ananda to connect me as tightly as would be beneficial with a version of myself that is a brilliant physicist, so that I can absorb the information I need to accomplish this task; and please also work with Ananda to connect me tightly with any other versions of myself such that in total the connections would be maximally beneficial to me and to the world. 

  3. Third, please work with Hanjo to help me to become as clear and as bright as possible, so that I can attract those needed in this task to me like a magnet, and so that I can protect myself and those I love from those who would do us harm in order to stop this endeavor. 

Ra granted all three.  After the last and Ra’s blessings and departure, there was an immediate aftermath of pure shock, followed by a long period in which we meditated silently, during which I felt my energy merging in a curious way with Hanjo's and Ananda's, almost forming a group mind, but not quite.  I asked Ananda who she and Ra had connected me with in my second request, and she said that I was connected to three scientists: a quantum physicist, an energy physicist, and a biologist, which she was surprised about but felt important.  In addition, I had several talented networkers connected to me, which I could immediately see the use for.  I was also connected to an archeologist, and was told by Ananda to explore ancient Egyptian power sources and Atlantean crystal technology, as well as sacred geometry.


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