My Partner Manifestation

The following is the manifestation I used to find Elara, my True Love:

  • I wish for a partner that I am deeply attracted to at all levels, intellectual, physical and spiritual.  

  • Someone who is deeply attracted to me at all levels as I am right now, not as who they want me to be.  

  • Someone who is extremely smart, caring, compassionate, supportive, trustworthy, magical and spiritual.  

  • Someone who cares deeply about the project of bringing heaven to Earth.

  • Someone who is competent and independent but desires a regular connection, even with distance.   

  • Someone who can be my partner and confidante, best friend and adventure buddy.  

  • Someone who challenges me and helps me to grow, and who I can challenge and help to grow.  

  • Someone who will have an easy fluidity with life, allowing us both to pursue our interests and dreams without feeling curtailed or undermined by the other. 

  • Someone who believes in family and understands the importance of a fathers’ role with his children, never seeking to undermine it. 

  • Someone who is comfortable with their sexuality and okay with sexual freedom and polyamory, yet wishes to create a partnership that surpasses other relationships, in which we prioritize each other over everyone else and build a joint path through life.  


Crafting the World Resonator


Free Energy - The Choice