The Evolution of Human Consciousness

Most of us, when we think about the history of our species, think about the story told to us in our classroom textbooks. We evolved from primates, happened to randomly develop a greater intelligence than other animals, and learned to create technology and share our understanding down generations so that the technology could iterate and evolve. We became cavemen, then discovered agriculture, and ultimately modern civilization. Our entire known history from the time we discovered agriculture and kept records is about 12,000 years old; and prior to that we imagine a long period of slow development of our species and our minds.

I had grown up with those stories and until recently believed that they were categorically true. As I have grown spiritually and started tapping into my past lives and the shared collective histories we inhabit, I started to sense that there was more. I used what I had learned up to that point to first break down the veil that was blocking our collective memories of Atlantis, and thereafter doing the same thing with the veil blocking our memories of Lemuria, the civilization that preceded Atlantis. In doing so, I started to channel stories that helped to illuminate different histories from those times, weaving a tale of the evolution of the human psyche that pointed to four distinct phases of our consciousness since we arose on this planet. That tale long predates our current known history, and involves societies that inhabited space and time very differently from the way in which we do today.

There was an original phase, in which consciousness was much more fluid than it is now, as we worked to move from our initial non-physical reality in time/space into a more physical existence in space/time. During that period, consciousness flowed and merged quite obviously with everything it interacted with, and separate identity was not yet as clearly established in the human psyche.  When we interact with someone else, a portion of our consciousness is merging with a portion of their consciousness. In our current reality, that movement is largely unconscious, and we are therefore blind to it. During that initial period, it was obvious to every person that consciousness flowed between all beings.

Our current consciousness only perceives the surfaces of objects and events, missing much of what is actually happening. In the initial phase of our physical consciousness, we had not yet become fully embodied, and reality flowed largely in unity with itself, humans having not yet developed into full self-referential egoic awareness. This state of unity provided little opportunity for growth. Each person was insufficiently separate (and not entirely yet physical as we conceive of it), and as such, did not perceive of the need for growth the way we do. There were limited opportunities for consequential choice or polarization in an environment in which everything so obviously worked with and communicated with everything else in perfect coordination.  

As we settled fully into a genderized physical form, the society of Lemuria began to form.  I don't see Lemuria as a single place, but rather as a global culture that communicated using the Dream-Arts — a set of magical technologies centered around the study and manipulation of dreams. From one frame, we are all points of light floating in a quantum foam and dreaming countless dreams. In that sense, our physical reality is simply the Earth’s dream, that we are dreaming with her. Lemuria was a time when the Earth dreamed a very different dream, and reality was much more flexible.

Since we had come so recently into our physical bodies, our natural psychic inclinations were to spend much of our time interacting with the dream state (whether while sleeping or awake), using it as a place for communicating with each other over long distances and sharing any new ideas, inventions, understandings, etc.  One way to understand this better is to think of actuality (all that is) comprised of three primary spokes (at least, along one axis) — the Mythic, the Real, and the Cosmic (i.e., unity).  The Real is the world we are largely used to, in which there is a fixed timeline (from our perspective).  The Mythic is the world of dreams and stories, which in our current world is much less directly accessible than the Real.  In Lemuria, the Mythic was much more dominant, and as a result, reality was much more fluid and ever changing.  The energies I channeled around Lemuria were very focused on a story of a matriarchy that ruled the world and created Eden for all of humanity using the Dream-Arts. Reality was structured to give everyone everything they wanted. As a result, once again there were insufficient opportunities for growth and change. A series of events arose that ultimately led to the collapse of the matriarchy and the darkest period humanity has ever known — giving rise to a trauma from which the world continues to be largely hiding, and which gave rise to the Atlantean patriarchy as a direct counter-response to the dangers of the matriarchy.  For me, this was a shock, but also explained the uneasiness I have felt when people talked about overthrowing the patriarchy and instituting a matriarchy.  For me, the future is egalitarian, without elevating either gender over the other (and indeed, without elevating anything above anything else). I wrote a channeled story about one version of the Lemurian past, which I call The Lessons of Lemuria.

After the fall of Lemuria, the next phase of consciousness still borrowed largely from the Mythic, although much less so than previously.  The Atlantean mode of consciousness was largely grounded in reality, but used a deep understanding of reality to effectuate a pretty incredible technology of Magic-Science: the manipulation of sacred geometry via crystals to permit all sorts of fantastical applications.  Reality was still malleable enough at this point to permit the conscious manipulation of reality using the physical as the energetic fulcrum.  I wrote a long channeled story about the Settling of Atlantis.  Interestingly, the two stories channeled very differently.  Whereas Lessons of Lemuria was channeled as a narrative exposition without dropping into the characters in the moment, Atlantis was a story of dialogue and character interaction.  I find it interesting that the story about the more mythic side of things came out as a history text to some degree, whereas the story about the more "real" side (Atlantis) came out as a more traditional character-driven story.

After the fall of Atlantis, consciousness settled into its current mode, in which Magic-Science and the Dream-Arts were both unavailable to us, and we are left with the appearance of manipulating reality solely through the physical without the obvious intersection of consciousness at all.  By living so separately from All That Is, it has forced us to grapple with aspects of our psyche that we never previously would have grappled with, and we have developed ways of manipulating reality that collectively provide a lot of comfort and ease in our daily lives.  Combining our current technological understanding with a more mature worldview and a healthier heart will hopefully lead humanity to a utopian age, as we collapse the dualities between all of these forms of consciousness, embracing all that we are capable of, and moving with love and unity towards heaven on Earth.


Our Wild Cosmos


The Densities of Existence