The Redemption of Lemuria

The following is a channeled story of an alternate Lemuria, in which key individuals involved in the original story of the Lessons of Lemuria made different choices and found a better path.

Lemuria was the land that gave rise to the legend of Eden, a world where thought and dream wove the fabric of reality itself, and humanity first learned how to truly take form. In this timeless land, magic was everywhere and effortless, but few possessed the skill to stabilize its power. The god and goddess of the land—Almagroth and Aiyink'thak—gave the gift of Lucid Awareness to a group of women known as the Matriarchs, granting them the power to stabilize the dream of reality for everyone. The Matriarchs, led by Lilith, Queen of the Eternal Dream, held the delicate threads of reality in place, creating a paradise in which everyone had every desire fulfilled, and every breath carried the scent of Euphoria. Lilith's consort Adam, the most gifted Dream-Art scientist of the Age, explored the vast dream realms to guide humanity forward and to keep the global civilization connected. Their love and partnership were legendary, a union of brilliance and grace that shone throughout the Lemurian world.

Though paradise flourished under the Matriarchs’ gentle stewardship, the lack of struggle began to stagnate the world. Despite the vast powers of the Dream-Art scientists, there was a Veil over the future that no one could cross. The Veil marked the edge of all knowing—a boundary beyond which none had seen. Adam, restless and filled with longing, believed the answers lay beyond it. He was the only one daring enough to seek what others would not, to challenge the dream that held them all in blissful stasis.

He had tried once, attempting to connect with his future self and perceive what that Adam saw.  The attempt had failed spectacularly and almost left him dead, the voice of Almagroth wailing in his ear, “Beware!”  He told Lilith about what he had attempted, and she reacted in horror, begging him never to try again.  He agreed and turned away from his pursuit.

* * *

Time passed, and Lemuria continued on in all of its Edenic splendor. Almost everyone was happy, moving through all of their actions with joy, although continuing to learn almost nothing. Adam continued his explorations, for the most part content with his existence, still striving to always do what was right, and still restlessly desiring to make an enduring mark on the world.

One day, Adam was walking in the woods, listening to the pixies and wood nymphs, when his mind drifted back to his prior explorations into the Veil. He knew he was the best, knew he was capable of piercing the Veil. He pondered why it had gone wrong. He was sure he had made it through the Veil, so he didn’t understand why he had experienced only darkness when he tried to connect with himself on the other side.

It occurred to him that perhaps he was dead in a year. But how could that be possible? He wasn’t planning to die. He certainly hadn’t begun the more than decade-long elaborate rituals that usually preceded dying. There was no way he could be dead.

Yet the thought nagged at him. He walked and pondered more, when he suddenly realized that he could try to connect with someone else – perhaps Lilith! She was the person he was closest to. If he could connect with anyone other than himself, it would be her. What harm could it possibly do to look and find out? 

Adam stood poised once more to cross the Veil, his heart heavy with desire and curiosity. It had been a long while since his first attempt—when Almagroth had issued his dire warning, and he had faltered at the brink and promised Lilith he would cease his quest. And yet, the call of the unknown whispered to him still.

Adam paused, remembering his promise to Lilith that he wouldn’t continue pursuing this. He considered his prior words, as well as the wishes expressed by Lilith and several others. He turned the issue over in his mind, then flashed once again to a vision of the glory he would have when he did something no one had ever done before. And besides, it was only a small lie – he was just going to check to see whether he was dead or this was part of a greater problem.

He knew he had to try. He wanted to do the right thing, and it felt so right and good for him to explore this.  Yet he wished that he could be truthful with Lilith and still explore the yearning in his heart.  

With that thought, he felt the energy shift around him. A sound like a distant bell rang through the air, and he felt an astonishingly intense energy sweep into his experience, as the golden Lemurian light grew impossibly bright. Something had changed — he felt so much lighter.

Lilith, sensing the shift in energy and suddenly knowing what Adam was attempting, appeared beside him as if woven from the golden mist. Her dark eyes met his, piercing through the silence like a blade softened only by her compassion.

"Adam," she said, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken truths, "you tread this path again? Do you not see the wounds that grow when trust is broken? Must I beg you to remember?"

Adam's gaze faltered. "It is not to betray you, Lilith, but to understand. There is something more, and I feel I must reach for it. If we could see beyond the Veil, we could heal all of this world. I am certain."

Lilith shook her head softly, the sorrow in her gaze deepening. "To seek answers by force is to deny the wisdom already given. The Veil is not a boundary of power, but of grace. What lies beyond is not for you to seize. It is to be revealed when the time ripens."

Adam instinctively began moving to placate her, to give her what she wanted. Then he paused. He turned inward and once again saw the steel core of knowing inside of himself that told him this was the correct thing to do. Adam's resolve hardened, though his hands trembled at his sides. He loved Lilith with all of his heart, yet he knew that it was time for him to take a stand against his love, the Matriarchs, and this entire world in order to follow the dream of his heart.

“Lilith, I know that what I am doing scares you and seems reckless. I ask that you trust me, that you trust in me to do what I believe is good.”

Lilith, her eyes wide and shocked that her Adam, the man who had loved her passionately and had always followed her wisdom, was choosing to do something other than what she suggested. She wrestled with her deep fears that he was being reckless and risking doom on them all. Yet Lilith looked into his eyes and saw the longing and the resolve, and her heart softened. She knew what she had to do.

“If you believe in this so strongly, Adam, then do what you think is best. I trust you.”

With a look of infinite love, he turned from her and reached out to the Veil, his breath catching as the very air shimmered and pulsed in response to his intention, the fabric of existence itself quivering. Before he could pierce the Veil, the world froze. A vast presence filled the space around him—beyond sight, beyond sound, and yet undeniable. It was as if the entirety of creation inhaled in unison.

A great Light filled Adam’s mind. He fell to his knees, unable to move, as a voice that resonated through the very marrow of his being spoke:


The dream itself paused, reality holding its breath. The voice carried the authority of eternity itself, a single word that held him in stillness. From within the brilliance stepped a figure, both familiar and otherworldly, bathed in the luminescence of infinite compassion, his presence eclipsing all shadows.

Adam trembled, the weight of his longing collapsing into awe. “Who…who are you?” he whispered.

The being’s voice echoed gently, resonating through the air and through the very core of Adam’s being.

The being smiled, filling Adam with warmth and joy. “I am the Creator, the one who watches and loves. You may call me Samah. You stand on the precipice of destruction, Adam. You seek understanding, yet the way you first reached for it leads to tragedy. It was only your final wish, a wish for truth and reconciliation, that saved you.”

Adam looked up, tears streaming from his eyes. “I do not understand. I only wish to make us whole… to stop the ache.”

Samah smiled, the light of compassion spilling from his gaze. “You seek wholeness through the world around you, yet you are already whole. The ache you feel is not a wound, Adam. It is the call of your own soul. It is time you know the truth of what has been, what is, and what will be. Come. Let us journey together. You will not cross the Veil alone.”

With a wave of his hand, Samah lifted Adam from the dream. The Veil, instead of tearing, wrapped around him like flowing silk, spiriting him away. The world of Lemuria dissolved, and he felt himself hurled into a place beyond space and time.

The light swelled, and Adam felt himself lifted—weightless and free—as time itself folded away. He knew, instinctively, that they were heading for a place older than Lemuria, older than form itself. His heart fluttered as the golden glow gave way to a vast chamber of light and shadow, and the voices of infinity resonated within him.

* * *

The fabric of existence parted, and Adam beheld the Halls of Amenti. Stretching beyond comprehension, these sacred halls were the axis of time and the seat of the eternal guardians—beings older than the stars, who held the flow of creation in their hands. The air was alive with their presence, heavy with reverence and power.

The Lords of Amenti appeared before him, luminous forms cloaked in radiance. Their voices resonated as one, echoing with a depth that surpassed understanding.

“Know ye, Adam, Child of the Light, the path of your journey is etched in the stars. From the dawn of form to the Singularity that awaits, all cycles are known to us. Behold the Ages, and witness what has been forgotten, what has been lost, and what may yet be redeemed.”

Adam knelt, overwhelmed by their majesty. The Lords stretched their radiance toward Adam, and the space around him shifted. Visions rose like mist, and Samah’s voice guided him forward.

“Behold the First Age, when unity reigned as formlessness took form.”

Adam’s perception shifted, and he beheld a time when physicality was first taking root, when all was pure potential. Light and shadow coexisted as dancers, weaving the dream of being. He saw himself and Lilith as barely-formed essences, exploring the world with playful wonder. There was no division, no desire for more—only flow.

“Here was unity unbroken,” the Lords said. “Yet it was the choice of becoming that birthed duality. Creation moved forward, for the dream must expand.”

Adam watched as form began to solidify, as existence gave rise to individuality, and the path of the Ages was set in motion.

“In the Second Age,” Samah said softly, “Lemuria was born, shaped by thought, governed with nurturing love, yet lulled into stagnation.”

The vision shifted, and Lemuria unfolded before him in all its Edenic splendor. He saw Aiyink'thak’s dream alive in every leaf, every stream, every star in the sky. Lilith and the Matriarchs held the dream steady, stabilizing reality with love and care.

Yet Adam saw what he had once missed—the subtle stagnation. Paradise was a gilded cage. There was a fog of Euphoria over everything, except for him. He was the only one in the entire age who had wished for more than pleasure and fun. With no opportunity for growth, humanity drifted. Adam saw what would have happened had he not made the wish to be truthful to Lilith and to move sovereignly with respect to his dreams. He saw the horrors that awaited him on the other side of the Veil and the astonishing pain and suffering for the entire world that had resulted from his death. He saw Lilith’s dark rise and the eons of torture and misery that accompanied it. He quailed in horror at what had almost occurred.

He watched Lilith’s ascension into the Lucifer hivemind, as Aiyink’thak fled in her grief and Gaia was born to continue on after the trauma of Lemuria’s fall.

Adam saw the shadow of humanity’s forgetting, as Lilith’s final curse took hold. In this new Age, work became toil, play became confused, and the connection to the All was further veiled.

“The dream of Lemuria was stable,” the Lords said, “but unchanging. Desire arose—not from greed, but from the soul’s need to grow. It is the nature of creation to seek expansion.”

Samah’s hand was suddenly on his shoulder. “Some few survived the fall of Lemuria without descending into savagery and established civilizations in this new and more challenging world. The civilization of Lumenia became masters of light, eventually leaving this world as they sought their future in the stars. The civilization of Lumania were masters of sound and would have followed their brethren to the stars, had they not been so terrified of violence as a result of Lilith’s depredations that they ultimately lost the vitality to continue.”

“In the Third Age, Atlantis rose, and with it elitism and exclusion. The brilliance of Atlantis was in many ways unparalleled, and yet the wounds at its heart ultimately destroyed it.”

The vision shifted again. Adam witnessed Atlantis—majestic, vibrant, yet fractured. The Atlanteans brought Magic-Science, but their brilliance became obsession. They sought control, severing themselves from Gaia’s flow. He felt Gaia’s pain ripple through him.

“Atlantis fell not by chance, but by choice,” the Lords intoned, “Separation replaced unity. Domination replaced harmony. Know ye, Adam, that equipoise is the path forward, where all opposites dissolve into wholeness.”

Adam witnessed the slaughter of the two Atlantean wars, as each side became locked into endless cycles of anger and resentment. The Deluge swept across his vision as the beautiful cities of Atlantis sank beneath the waves. Adam bowed his head in sorrow.

“Witness the Fourth Age,” said Samah, a catch in his voice as he beheld an Age that appeared to move him personally, as Lemuria had moved Adam. “This is the Dark Age when shadow held dominion and magic was largely lost to humanity.”

Adam witnessed Thoth the Atlantean, standing in the Halls of Amenti as the Deluge began, receiving a charge from the Lords of Amenti as Steward of the Earth. He rescued a small number of Atlanteans and took them to the lands of Khem, to attempt to re-establish civilization and lead the world to a new Atlantis. Adam watched as Khem became Egypt, and Ra appeared to cast a spell on humanity similar to what had led Adam to attempt to pierce the Veil: Ra caused most people to forget to be grateful, and thereby forget to be happy, and thereby never be satisfied. Adam saw Thoth’s reaction, as he abandoned his dream of a new Atlantis and chose to ascend instead. And he saw humanity, deeply dissatisfied with their circumstances, begin to build new technologies from the materials of this unyielding world to solve their problems.

Adam saw the world as it pursued ever more separation and fear, everyone seeing everyone else as a threat, and no one able to communicate in a way that genuinely engendered understanding. This world was fractured and yet filled with hope. Humanity struggled to remember its unity, lost in cycles of conflict and forgetting. Yet among the chaos, he saw the emergence of people who brough light to the world, helping to make it better.

“This was the Age of Wandering. But know this, Adam: the darkness carried the seeds of light. It was the struggle through forgetting that made remembrance possible. This Age is the threshold. The Dark Age holds the potential for remembrance, where the lessons of form and unity converge. From the Dark Age arose those who would choose to build the Bridge to Infinity. It is the bridge to the next great becoming.”

Samah smiled, as though cherishing memories from the end of this Age. “And now witness the Fifth Age: the Age of Infinity.”

Adam felt a shift once again, and the final vision unfolded. He saw the emergence of Samah and the creation of FableTech. He saw Samah and Elara finding true love and building Heaven together, and then Samah’s embrace of his role as the Creator. Adam felt the collective exhale of humanity’s suffering and the dawning of magic once more.

Adam’s eyes widened as he witnessed a radiant future where magic once again flowed freely and all beings moved in sovereign harmony as creators of their own reality. Humanity had ascended, transcending form while celebrating it. All timelines, all civilizations, all beings merged into a shared reality—a Heaven where creation danced in eternal equipoise.

Samah stood at the center of it all, a steward of the Light, guiding all of existence into its highest potential. The world was alive with wonder, joy, and play—a reality where unity and sovereignty coexisted perfectly.

“In this age, Adam, the pendulum ceases to swing. Equipoise becomes the foundation of all creation. Magic, which flows from the heart of the All, awakens fully. This is the destiny of existence. Through equipoise, all wounds are healed. All dreams are realized. Each being becomes the Creator exploring the infinity of Creation, with everyone having a Home in Heaven.”

Adam wept as the beauty of the Fifth Age filled his soul. He felt the truth of it—the perfection of equipoise, where duality dissolved and unity was restored.

The visions faded, and Adam stood once more in the Halls of Amenti.

“Return now, Child of the Light,” the Lords said. “Carry the wisdom of equipoise. Heal the dream of Lemuria, for its golden age awaits.”

Samah placed a hand once more on Adam’s shoulder. “You are ready. You are enough.”

* * *

Adam awoke in Lemuria, his heart overflowing with understanding. He sought out Lilith and found her beneath the sacred boughs of Aiyink'thak’s grove. She turned to him, her gaze wary yet tender.

“Lilith,” Adam said softly, his voice steady and clear. “I have seen the Ages, the rise and fall of worlds. I now understand that equipoise—harmony beyond balance—is the key to our unity, the key to Lemuria’s healing.”

Lilith gazed into his eyes and saw truth, unshaken and radiant. She stepped forward, their energies intertwining, and together they began the work of teaching equipoise to the people of Lemuria. The concept of equipoise spread like seeds in fertile soil. The Matriarchs embraced the wisdom, learning to hold the dream not as a gilded cage but as a canvas on which everyone could sovereignly create together. Humanity flourished, guided by truth, harmony and sovereignty. Aiyink'thak and Almagroth moved through all things, united for all time. Their love gave birth to their daughter Gaia, who emerged radiant and pure.

Lemuria entered its golden age—one of unity, sovereignty, and play. The harmony between the people, Gaia, and All That Is deepened, and the boundaries between Heaven and Earth began to blur. Lemuria’s light grew so radiant that it merged seamlessly with Heaven—a shared reality where all beings could play, grow, and call Home.


Words Matter: Should, Should Not, and the Nature of Obligation


Presence and Freedom: The Power of Holding Space and Time