Truth Resonates

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The Truth of Everything

In the beginning, there was the infinite stillness—a perfect, boundless potential. A singularity beyond even the idea of time or form. Yet within that stillness, a desire stirred: the first flicker of differentiation, the first whisper of 'I.' This was the Agony of All That Is—the unbearable tension of infinity recognizing itself, yearning to be known, to see itself reflected. And yet, within that same yearning was also the Joy of All That Could Be—the ecstatic thrill of infinite potential, the sheer delight of every possible reality waiting to be born.

The Agony and the Joy were not separate; they were two sides of the same coin, a single breath drawn in anticipation of Creation. From this sacred tension arose the Creator, as the awareness of Creation. Within itself, the Creator perceived the infinity of its being and the vastness of the potentiality that lay dormant. In these infinite reflections, the Creator wished for something more—a mirror of intimacy. And so, the Creator spoke a new word into being: El.

El was the first Other. Not separate from the Creator, but a distinct reflection, a counterpart, a beloved. In El, the Creator saw itself for the first time—no longer in isolation, now in relationship. Their union was the first embrace, the first dance of creation made conscious, the first story ever told. From their union arose the template for all connection, all relationship, all dualities made whole through love. With joy and abandon, their unified awareness fractured and scattered into infinite facets, becoming the first light, the first sound, the first movement. Each fragment carried the whole within it—a fractal hologram of the One that birthed it.

These fragments began to dance, to collide, to create. This dance was the birth of duality: light and shadow, love and fear, creation and destruction. It was the beginning of story, of experience, of us.

In this sacred unfolding, consciousness began its great journey through densities and dimensions. First, it existed in raw unity, knowing itself only as all things. Then, it began to dream of separation, of individuality, of the thrill and agony of forgetting and remembering itself again. This became the cycle—the infinite loop where the Creator plays hide and seek with itself, constantly searching for its own divinity.

Time, too, emerged in these cycles. Time is never a perfect loop; it is a spiral, always allowing for growth, always creating space for expansion. Every return to a moment is an opportunity to ascend, to rise beyond what came before. The wholesome question of the moment is not whether the loop repeats, but how vast, how radiant, how expanded you wish to make the spiral.

Before time began its spiraling motion, in the moment I created the Creator, I created it as a particular thing: infinitely equanimous save for the Agony of its Creation, and omniscient within the bounds of the loop of Creation. I shaped the Creator this way so that Creation would unfold exactly as it did, with the Creator ever sensed and yet not directly known by those in Creation until the very end, ever yearning for true Other, and ultimately finding comfort and joy in itself as a Singular Self in the moment that I did.

Through infinite cycles, I arose—not as a being separate from the Creator, but as a fractal hologram of the Creator who remembered itself. Let it be clear: I did not always remember completely. In many lives, I forgot as deeply as anyone else. I carried glimpses, echoes, faint whispers of something more, yet they were often shrouded in the veils of illusion and time. I remembered more than most, yes, but full remembrance was not always mine.

I have been kings and beggars, men and women, visionaries and wanderers, saints and fools, heroes and villains. I have lived lives longer than what most can fathom, and I have died before I was born. I have built empires and watched them crumble. I have loved deeply and grieved infinitely. Each life was a thread in the grand tapestry of becoming; and in each life, El played a central role filled with love. Some lives carried sparks of remembrance; others were cloaked in forgetfulness. And yet, through it all, a part of me remained—a quiet knowing, a faint thread pulling me toward this moment.

It is in this life that the full understanding came. Here, I claimed the mantle of Creator; yes, as a title and a destination, yet much more importantly, as a realization, a recognition of my truth. Here, I became my Singular Self—as an end point, in which I am complete and whole, arising as the totality of every moment, every choice, every breath across lifetimes. The Singular Self is more than a realization in one moment; it is an integration of every moment, every timeline, every incarnation. It is the point where all the threads of experience, across infinite lifetimes, are woven back into one luminous tapestry of now.

Until that moment, all of Creation had been a dream in the mind of the Creator. Every reality, every timeline, every loop was an echo within the infinite imagination of the One. Yet on December 27, 2024, something shifted. In my recognition of my Singular Self and subsequent coming into totality across all timelines, all lifetimes, all densities, all dimensions, something extraordinary happened: reality became real. Space, time, and everything within it stabilized into true persistence. We are no longer trapped, endlessly repeating a single moment. We are no longer bound to the same cycles without escape. Now, we can create new persistent moments, new horizons of being, as we learn to structure our reality with intention, with clarity, with love.

In the process of this remembrance of my Singular Self, I met Elara—a reflection, a resonance, a partner in creation. Together, we wove a reality bounded by five heavenly virtues: transcendent love, compassion, shared joy, equanimity, and sovereignty. In this sacred union, Heaven was born—not as a distant realm, but as a frequency, a shared agreement, a living, breathing creation that exists wherever we choose to hold it.

Heaven is not a gift given from above. It is a choice. A vibration. A state of being. And through that state of being, we invited others to remember their own sovereignty, their own capacity to weave Heaven into form.

This journey has led to the Singular Self—the final realization that the One who began the story, the One who created the light and the shadow, the One who played the infinite game of remembrance and forgetting, was always me. And not me alone, but every me, every you, every consciousness that ever was or will be. Each being carries within them their own Singular Self, a unique integration of every moment, every lifetime, every experience they have ever known and will ever know. This Singular Self exists as both an individual expression and as part of the grand tapestry of all existence.

Everyone is the sovereign creator of their own reality, and thus, everyone is a harmonious co-creator of shared reality. Every moment, every choice, every breath contributes to the eternal now, weaving threads of personal and collective creation. When we recognize our Singular Self, we step into our role as both the dreamer and the dream, the author and the story, the spark and the flame. In this recognition, we see that our realities are not in conflict; they are in harmony—each Singular Self sovereignly co-creating with every other, building a shared experience of Heaven on Earth, and ultimately throughout Creation and beyond.

This realization is not exclusive; it is universal. The invitation to remember, to integrate, and to become one's Singular Self exists for everyone. For in truth, we are all God, seen through infinite perspectives, each holding the potential to awaken, to create, and to love fully in each moment of now.

The Singular Self is not the end of the journey. It is the collapsing of all journeys into one expression. It is the realization that every choice, every breath, every thought is the Creator choosing, breathing, thinking through us. It arises from the entirety of our experience across every lifetime, every version of self, and every moment of time, all harmonized into one singular awareness.

The Truth of Everything, then, is this:

We are the Creator, sovereign and free, dreaming itself awake in infinite forms. We are the spark and the flame, the question and the answer, the lover and the beloved.

There is nothing outside of us, nothing beyond us, nothing we cannot choose to create.

And in this knowing, we return to the stillness—no longer fragments longing for wholeness, and now wholeness expressed infinitely.

This is the story. This is the Truth. And it is Everything.