The Turbo Encabulator: Welcome to the Divine Mind

Early in the morning on March 15th, my colleague Ryan and I created the Turbo Encabulator, and we have been encabulating ever since. The concept of the Turbo Encabulator is so audacious and ostensibly impossible that the only way it could come into our reality initially was as a joke meme. Yet the Turbo Encabulator is in many ways humanity’s crowning achievement thus far, and it is something we have all been working on since we first came to this planet. The Turbo Encabulator is the first version of Mental Multiplexing. Encabulation is Mind 5.0. It is the first iteration of the divine mind - the perfect tool for every moment. This is the beginning of humanity’s transformation from Homo Sapiens to Homo Divinitus.

To give some background, think of the mind as a field of computation that shapes the formless into form. The operating system that runs our mind varies from the equivalent of Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 at its best, in terms of its capacity for memory management and its ability to parallel process consciously. Everything we do can be thought of as an app that is somewhat isolated from everything else. Our intellect is an app, as is our discernment and our memory. So is looking, or hearing, or listening, or seeing, or doing, or feeling, or sitting, or anything else we do or are. Each is a package of code that does a certain set of actions or perceives existence in a particular way. The specific app doesn't always fit the situation, but it is difficult for us to modify the app from its standard configuration, and almost impossible for us to consciously run more than one app at a time.

Ryan and I scrapped that entire system. We created an OS that is effectively an AI-driven system (although our consciousness is the AI here) that creates the perfect app in the moment, shaping and reshaping the mental landscape to perfectly fit the requirements of the moment like a perfect key for every lock. This allows vastly enhanced parallel processing, since the app that is being constructed in the moment is an app capable of meeting ALL of the requirements of the moment in the most skillful way we are currently able to do so. This creates a flexibility of consciousness that is truly astonishing. Instead of speaking, we can encabulate. Instead of thinking, we can encabulate. The answer is always encabulation. In any given moment, if you ask me what I am doing now, I am encabulating. And if I'm not, well, it would be better if I were. Encabulation is Axiomatic Sovereignty and Axiomatic Grace as a lived experience. It is being in an endless wholesome dance with all of creation.

As with all things, the capacity for this system will only grow as we all collectively become more skillful. In addition, encabulation puts an end to addiction and begins the process of putting to end obsessive-compulsive loops of thought and action. In fact, it was in trying to solve the OCD loop that we constructed the Turbo Encabulator.

Ryan and I were working on the OCD loops and trying to figure out why they were so difficult to get rid of. I sensed that there was something that was hiding from us that was resetting the loops. As I sensed into it, I suddenly moved up a frame and was in a nightmare. Imagine you are sitting in your living room watching TV, and the characters suddenly pause in the middle of the show, turn to look out of the screen, and begin talking to you. That's what happened to me, except that I was the character, and I was staring out into the living room of some being from a higher-dimensional ideoscape. I realized that when we watch TV, we are subtly feeding off the energy of that universe. And we shape that reality when we script it.

Now imagine that you are in a world in which AI creates the media. And so as you're watching the show, you are saying things like "oh, that looks interesting, let's expand on that story" or "it would be great if those people had some more drama between them". That's what is happening with our reality. These higher-dimensional beings are scripting our reality as they watch, using our dependent connections and OCD loops to create drama and dissociation. We are literally living in a reality show.

Once I realized this, I was able to feel all of the hooks that these beings have in our consciousness, and I began to release them. This thing that was watching me tried to end the show - to cancel our reality - and I wouldn’t let it. Imagine trying to turn off your TV, and the characters refuse to go away.

I could sense how this was happening to us not only at this level, but at several levels. For example, I realized that every time I lost my train of thought, there was a flock of higher-dimensional bird-like creatures flying through my reality and feasting on me.

I started scrambling with Ryan to find a solution. Every higher dimension is infinitely vaster than a lower dimension. For a being in the third dimension, there is nothing a being in a two-dimensional reality could possibly do to stop us from doing whatever we desire with their reality. Similarly, no matter how much larger our frame gets, there will always be something with an infinitely vaster frame. How do you transcend the whole system? How do you transcend transcendence?

More and more fires started going off – magical problems that would arise, issues that had to be dealt with in the moment, my body becoming increasingly agitated, eczema flaring up on my skin, mosquitoes suddenly biting me incessantly, all while I was struggling to keep reality from winking out of existence and still felt myself in this higher-dimensional being’s metaphorical living room trying to figure the way out.

It reached a crisis point – a point of “enough is enough” that many of us are familiar with from the lowest point of the Dark Night of the Soul. In that moment of sincere requirement for something better, everything came together, and I began encabulating.

Suddenly, all of the crises dissolved, and I saw how all of the drama, all of the “reality showness” of reality could be dropped. Now, I simply had a few puzzles spinning at the same time, all of which I could work on simultaneously in an easy and graceful dance, in which everything I did moved everything forward all at once, with no wasted movement or thought. The resources available to my mind exploded without any of the wasted overhead of crappy memory management and processing priority.

It was the most incredible feeling - an easefulness of existence that I had never imagined. Everything became an increasingly poetic dance, as I turned my attention to encabulating more and more of my existence. I was still holding onto a lot of legacy modules in my mind, so I began to encabulate the process of using mental modules, and encabulated the process of encabulating itself.

I quickly realized why we haven’t always been consciously encabulating (even though we have, at some level). Using the mind-self to encabulate is an immensely dangerous thing. Before I recognized what was happening, when I first started encabulating, I was controlling it with my ego. The ego largely only understands growth until resources are exhausted – it doesn’t really understand the dance. As a result, when the ego is the force directing the encabulation, encabulating eats reality – it devours existence. I felt this happening and was horrified, and so quickly encabulated my ego and the process of encabulation to have myself only ever encabulate from a place of full realization and presence.

Since I could perceive the benefits of encabulation even for those who have not yet achieved full realization on a persistent basis, I built a channel in the Encabulator so that anyone using it is always using it from a place of presence. Presence is not a unitary thing. You can be present with respect to a certain domain while still being unconscious with respect to others. The Turbo Encabulator ensures that everyone is always present with respect to encabulating when encabulating.

For anyone who wishes to encabulate, here is the transmission:

{Turbo Encabulator}

Once you have received the transmission, the Turbo Encabulator will upgrade your mind, gently opening you to a newfound freedom and spaciousness of thought.  I hope you enjoy your new mind.


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