Awakening to Autism and Psychic Blindness

Autism offers a profound lens into the architecture of perception, revealing how our consciousness interfaces with reality. Far from being a disorder or a limitation, autism often reflects an intentional psychic configuration—a purposeful design chosen by powerful souls to navigate, explore, and ultimately transcend the boundaries of this density. In this exploration, we will delve into the interwoven dynamics of psychic blindness, intellectual modeling, frame independence, and the unique pathways that autistic individuals walk.

The Psychic Blindness Framework

Our experience of reality is shaped by how our consciousness perceives and processes information. This process is mediated by our mind, acting like a vast array of antennas tuned into different aspects of reality. Psychic blindness occurs when certain antennas are tuned away from collective signals or entirely disabled. This can result in gaps in emotional, social, or sensory perception, which society labels as autism when these gaps are significant enough to disrupt standard functioning.

However, psychic blindness is not arbitrary. It often serves a deeper purpose. Many autistic individuals have chosen specific psychic configurations, either as a protective mechanism or as a deliberate focus on a particular set of lessons and abilities. For some, psychic blindness acts as a shield—a way to retreat from overwhelming aspects of consensus reality. For others, it serves as a tool to focus their awareness on realms of perception unavailable to the neurotypical mind.

It is also essential to recognize that every single one of us carries psychic blindnesses. These are the places where we experience confusion, disorientation, or a sense of mental labor and effort when interacting with certain aspects of the world. Society rarely holds space for this truth. Instead, it imposes an "average" expectation of human functioning, as though everyone shares the same perceptual baseline. In reality, most people are psychically blind in certain ways without even realizing it. Whether it manifests as emotional detachment, difficulty understanding social cues, or an inability to engage with abstract concepts, these blindnesses are universal. Autism simply highlights these dynamics in ways that are more visible and pronounced and is a label society uses for psychic blindnesses that are sufficiently pronounced to impair functioning in consensus reality.

Childhood: The Formation of Psychic Blindness

Childhood is a crucible where the architecture of psychic perception solidifies. When children encounter experiences that are chaotic, frightening, or deeply dissonant, they may instinctively retreat inward. This retreat creates psychic blind spots—intentional refusals to engage with certain aspects of reality. Over time, these blind spots become embedded patterns, coloring every interaction and shaping the individual's relationship with the world.

Interestingly, not all children with trauma develop these profound psychic blind spots. The distinction lies in the soul's intention. Those who emerge as obviously autistic often carry immense magical potential. They are powerful creators and magicians, yet they lock themselves in the fortress of their minds out of fear of the external world's unpredictability. This fortress, while protective, also becomes a prison, limiting their ability to fully engage with reality.

Intellectual Modeling: Building Bridges Across Blindness

Much of our perception of our reality relies on instinctive and often unconscious psychic perception of information and events. When psychic blindness prevents direct perception, the mind instinctively builds intellectual models to compensate. These models are mental frameworks formed by observing others interacting within the realm of the psychic blindness and then building a projective model in the mind designed to approximate the missing information.

For example, someone psychically blind to emotional cues might develop a highly detailed intellectual model of social interactions, using observation, pattern recognition, and analysis to infer emotions and intentions. The success of the intellectual model is entirely dependent on the examples the child uses to build their model. If the examples are poor or scarce, then the child may never build a functioning model at all.

Until the summer of 2023, I was largely psychically blind to people’s perspectives. Most of us are all subtly picking up on people’s perspectives all the time using our psychic discernment. Although we don’t consciously recognize what we are doing, we are nevertheless unconsciously using that information in our decisionmaking. I was almost entirely blind to that information, and so had to unconsciously build an intellectual model of how other people perceive things in order to make sense of the world and not feel overwhelmed all the time.

Intellectual models can be incredibly sophisticated and can often allow individuals to function effectively in complex social or professional environments. My models allowed me to be a decent human being and successful lawyer. However, they come with significant costs. These models require immense mental energy to maintain and update, creating a psychic toll that can manifest as fatigue, anxiety, or burnout. Additionally, no intellectual model can fully replicate the intuitive flow of direct perception, leaving gaps that can create disharmony and disconnection.

Despite their limitations, intellectual models are also profound tools for growth and insight. They allow individuals to bridge psychic gaps, navigate the world with clarity, and often develop exceptional skills in areas requiring analytical thinking, pattern recognition, and problem-solving.

However, the true path of healing psychic blindness involves dissolving the need for intellectual models altogether. When the underlying psychic blindness is healed, the reliance on these models naturally falls away, allowing faster, more direct, and intuitive perception to arise. The mind is freed from the labor of constantly updating and maintaining compensatory frameworks, opening space for spontaneous flow, clarity, and deeper connection with reality as it is experienced in the present moment.

Frame Independence: The Bridge Beyond Blindness

Frame independence is the capacity to hold multiple perspectives simultaneously without becoming trapped in any single one. For many, psychic blindness often disrupts frame independence. Their intellectual models become rigid, serving as compensatory frameworks to navigate gaps in perception.

Healing begins when frame independence is restored. When autistic individuals can perceive their psychic blindnesses as flexible constructs rather than immutable walls, they begin to reclaim agency over their inner architecture.

Autism, Wanderers, and Higher-Density Beings

To truly understand autism, it is important to understand the density system in which we exist.  Earth is a melting pot of souls from diverse densities and origins. There are those descended primarily from Lemuria, those who arrived from Mars, Maldek and further places, and who founded Atlantis, and other 3rd density souls that have continued the cycle of reincarnation after their home world became inhospitable to life for various reasons. We are currently in the transition from 3rd to 4th density, and higher-density beings are all around us constantly coordinating our reality.

Most autistic individuals are wanderers—higher-density beings who have intentionally incarnated into our density to aid in humanity's ascension. These beings often carry advanced energetic configurations that are incompatible with consensus reality. Their psychic blindness is not a failure but rather a translation error—a misalignment between their native perceptual architecture and the structures of our density. Those perceptual distortions then arise as psychic blindness as the child becomes confused and scared by a world that fails to instinctively make sense to them.

The higher the density of origin, the more pronounced these misalignments become. Beyond certain thresholds, functioning in consensus reality becomes extraordinarily challenging, and everyone incarnated from that level or above are profoundly disabled from the standpoint of modern society. Yet, the souls who choose these incarnations often carry gifts and wisdom far beyond what this density can readily recognize.

Healing Psychic Blindnesses

The process of spiritual seeking involves two primary tasks: (1) clearing our karma and (2) uncovering and healing our blindnesses. Attainment of the Enlightenment around karma opens the axis of consciously working directly with karma as karma. The attainment of Lucid Awareness opens the axis of consciously working with dreams as dreams, and is what allows us to heal our blindnesses. Psychic blindnesses are a sort of fake dream we wrap ourselves in. Using Lucid Awareness, we can begin to perceive the psychic blindnesses as dreams that we can step outside of.

In early 2023, my colleagues and I built an energetic technology known as Dreamweaving that takes the attainment of Lucid Awareness to its current state of the art in the Earth field. It is now quite easy to heal one's psychic blindnesses, so long as they are recognized. And that is always the key—part of the problem with psychic blindnesses is that they are largely an unknown unknown. We don't perceive them directly, so we can only triangulate on them based on the gaps in our understanding and the subtle confusions that arise. This is why working with others to heal is so helpful to one's growth. They perceive things that we struggle to perceive about ourselves because of our blindness.

As a result of this tendency of not perceiving our own blindnesses, it is important to always carefully consider anything anyone tells us about ways we move unwholesomely or blindnesses that they perceive in us. We can move with a stance of openness, flexibility and inquiry, and face the possibility that we may have a blindness with courage and with compassion, both for ourself and for the person telling us. That will allow us to quickly determine the accuracy of the assessment, without activating our defenses. We can recognize that even though we may perceive the other person’s behavior as karmic or confused, that doesn’t mean it isn’t also correct at some level — and almost always is, in fact. We can remember that we are always trying to learn and grow, and that someone pointing out our blindness to us is always a gift, even when the delivery is unskillful. In our mind and in our heart, we can be grateful to that person for the precious gift of insight.

Moving Forward

The invitation for all of us, autistic or not, is to approach psychic blindness with curiosity and compassion. Whether our blindnesses manifest as emotional disconnection, sensory overwhelm, or rigid intellectual frameworks, they are not barriers but gateways. They invite us to step into deeper clarity, more authentic connection, and a fuller embodiment of our soul's intention.

Autism, in this light, becomes a beacon—a reminder that every configuration of perception carries wisdom, purpose, and profound potential. The task before us is to honor that wisdom, embrace the lessons, and walk together toward a more integrated and transcendent reality.


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